Robyn Brown Says Kody Didn’t Have To Help Janelle With RV

Robyn Brown doesn’t think Kody was obligated to help Janelle get things set up with the RV she spontaneously purchased.
Janelle Brown made a sudden and unexpected decision to purchase an RV. She explained she had to make the decision fast because the model she wanted/needed only had one in stock across the entire United States. Janelle quickly ran into a problem when she learned Kody’s truck was not powerful enough to pull the trailer. So, she was now in need of a new truck.
Kody Brown reveals during his week’s episode that the widow of his late brother still had ownership of his brother’s truck. The truck was powerful enough to pull the trailer. And, it presented an opportunity for him to keep the truck in the family. So, he really just had to have the truck for more than one reason. He was pretty happy to get the truth. He, however, told Janelle he wasn’t a huge fan of having two trucks because he didn’t like having equipment he didn’t use. Janelle tried to remedy the situation saying she could drive the truck. He, however, didn’t like that idea either.

Robyn Brown doesn’t think Kody needed to help Janelle
During a confessional, Robyn raised her arms and rolled her eyes at the panicked situation to get a truck because Janelle rushed into purchasing an RV. Robyn Brown tells the cameras she just didn’t think this was a situation where Kody had to buy a truck. And, she seemed to believe there was no obligation for Kody to help Janelle with the current situation she was in.
Robyn Brown also thought the idea of Janelle driving a giant truck around the town was comical. She made a point to clarify it wasn’t her words, but rumors swirl around the family that Janelle was NOT a good driver. And, she said this was especially true of larger vehicles. So, she just wasn’t sure Kody letting Janelle drive the big truck even made sense. Though, she did think it was a funny image inside of her head.

Both Robyn and Kody Brown agree Janelle rushed her situation. Kody thinks Janelle spent 30 minutes searching listings before giving up because she didn’t immediately find a new place to go. As TvShowsAce previously reported, ALL of Kody’s wives are in agreement that what Janelle is doing is crazy.
Does it surprise you that Robyn Brown didn’t want Kody to help Janelle with setting up her RV? Why do you think Robyn cared whether he bought a truck or not? Let us know in the comments down below.
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Robyn didn’t agree because she has a house to live! She keeps insisting she is not the head wife, hmm. So much for the wives sticking together!
I do not like Robyn she seems very nasty toward the other wives.
I don’t understand why they didn’t just RENT a truck to haul the RV. you can rent one each time you move it. it’s still cheaper than buying a whole ass truck for a temporary situation
Kody wanted the truck 🤷🏻♀️
I was wondering the same thing.
I never liked her from day 1.! they slept together before marriage. then she got more time on honeymoon..I knew she was going to bring it all down..she was the downfall for all. I feel for Christine taking care of her children plus Janelles..but Robyn gets a nanny for 2 many more reasons why..i just don’t like her.!!
OMG exactly I can’t stand her and then she will sit there and cry amd blame Kody
What does the Nanny do?!!
oh but she noticeably a nanny, she’s more of a ” tutor” to help with homework! ( suuuurrree…)
I dont like Robin either,she thinks she is better than the other wives.
Jealous much, why shouldn’t Cody help Janelle she is wife number 2 you technically are wife number 4 only legal married one and he bought you a house worth more than a million dollars why did you deserve that why did you need a nanny too lazy to take care of your own house and kids, Back off Janelle and Christine and Meri, for that matter you made yourself number one now deal with it your opinion doesn’t even matter to anyone else.
I agree Robyn is the issue and has created the division in the family. Everything went downhill after Kody married her. She is not friendly at all.
Robin did not agree because it was not about Robin. but she sure was ok with the family changing completely so Cody could adopt her children.
Sobbin Robin is disgusting! I can’t stand her, as for her looks, she looks like a horse neck clam! The woman is nothing but a manipulator! I wish her and her kids would leave the show!!!!
I can’t believe her sperm shaped eyebrows….unreal
she thinks for her self and only her family.
Meri make the mistake by bringing her home.
now very member of the original family is out.
I cant stand Robyn or Cody and hear lately I can’t stand Mary either Christine is the one with enough sense to get away from all the drama from Cody an Robyn those to deserve each other and Mary I have to give her a little credit for tolerating the bull as long as she has
Robyn Brown is the legal wife and she about her family only. I truly wish these two spiritual wives leave Cody ass. They just taken care of Cody main wife and family. Cody or Robyn do not have a job. so where does the money come from. everyone put in the pot. you may or may not get something out when you need it.
Robyn should have no opinion about the amount of help Kody gives to other wives. She basically lives in a mansion compared to the other wive’s homes. She has Kody 90% of the time to help her with whatever she needs (not to mention a Nanny). Before Meri’s internet relationship, she all but begged Kody for his help and support; even if it was just to listen to her and offer guidance. She was neglected at every turn by being told she needed to make decisions and handle things on her own. Christine has been telling him for years that she didn’t feel important. The only reason things have gone as smoothly as they have with Janelle is because Janelle is a very independent woman who values her alone time and rarely rocks the boat by asking Kody for anything. Janelle doesn’t appear to be the type person who frequently makes impulsive decisions; she deserved the benefit of the doubt and the help and support of her husband. If Robyn were who she claims to be, she would be encouraging Kody to support Janelle. Robyn claims to value plural marraige; but she’s dangerously close to being the only wife. Once Janelle issues the final Fck-It, Robyn’s only hope of continuing plural marraige is for Kody to find another wife. I don’t think she will enjoy being on the other end of watching Kody with a shiny new toy.
I have thought this about Robyn from day one..Robyn is out to get rid of all the wives so she can have him all to herself! I know she was happy that Christine said she was leaving Kody too! Something about her that stinks!! If Kody help’s Janelle with that trailer and if Janelle wants to drive that big truck around that’s none of Robyn’s business!!! She needs to back off and stay out of things, it’s none of your business! Back off, you are being a Karen and a busy body!!
l don’t publicly say horrible things about other women… so l will keep my mouth shut about Robin
screw you Robyn. it is just because you want cody.lips pressed tightly to your large butt
I agree 100% I can’t stand Robyn!! Without Christine the show is useless!!
Janelle probably figured she made rent payments she might as well be paying on the RV pay it off on it for and clear and then start building their home.
I look at it like he probably doesn’t have sex with anybody but Robin. how long do you have to be to be in a plural marriage.
if it wasn’t for Mary she wouldn’t be married or her kids adopted. Robyn what only been trouble and I feel for the others.
I get it Kody is to be there for her only. Robyn has a nanny for 2 toddlers and 3 teenagers. Had Mckelty move-in to help her with her kids, prior to marriage. Think about this Kody spends more time with Robyn’s almost adult children than with the children he fathered. In my opinion, he has an inflated ego. He acts like his problems with his wives are all the woman’s fault.
Robyn’s 2 youngest are 10 and 8 years of age. A nanny? Christine raised 12 with no help.
Also, did I read it correctly that he took a truck from his brother’s widow? I bet she has a story too.
No he bought the truck from his brother’s widow, he told her at one time if she were to ever sell it to please get a hold of him first he wanted to keep it in the family
I agree with you 100%. Robyn saying she didn’t think Kody should help Janelle when she is Kodys wife as well is pretty messed up Robyn is not Kodys only wife and she needs to realize that. she wouldn’t even be part of the family if it weren’t for Meri to begin with so Robyn need to come down from her high and might bitch throne and remember if it weren’t for meri she would have never been invited to join the family.
Those women are crazy as bats to be sharing that vain, pumped up Kody!!! Of course he has a favorite wife! And he IS obligated to help his “wifey”, with trailer situation.
Yes !! Robyn is one jealous ugly person!!
If there all sister wives then why wouldn’t Cody do the husband thing and help his wife with the traylor??
RVs need electric, sewage, water. How can she be so uneducated since she dealt in real estate. Can’t just go set that up on ground they don’t own at not in my state. Moving it every 120 days means the set up is the same wherever it is moved.
Your right ,shes in charge and she’s where they all went to hell,!! The Cody’s hiding that Robins his number one and why did he get negative against Janelle that quick!!!At least she’s moving forward and tired of sitting watching Cody do absolutely nothing butYEp complain
I agree she is the #1 wife along. so now Robin has what was she wanted. Kody is rude and should not talk about his wives. between meri and Robin they are both marters . disgusting
These women know deep down that Kody isn’t a supportive husband or Father. it’s all about him, the little tin God. I, me, my are usually the first words to come out of his mouth, unless he’s laying blame on one or more of his family. Janelle is level headed and strong. Janelle would haven taken care of what she needed to go facilitate getting the camper to the property. Janelle had little time to make a choice and Kody, the narcissist child, is not available to his family unless it’s something HE wants to talk them into. all of these women are strong in their own right. I see Robyn as being just as manipulative as Kody. Robyn manipulates Kody to rescue her all of the time. they are both good at it. Robyn plays the victim and so does Kody. Janelle should have been able to have her husband support her. There has to be something in it for Kody to do anything for his family members. He wanted that truck and he got it. Congratulations. Janelle made a rational choice that she made for the betterment of everyone, not just herself. she and her daughter had to quickly move. Janelle did the best she could for herself and her children. Bravo for her. Kody needs to start looking at his behaviors and his reactions to his family. Shaking my head.
“Janelle, sister sister!!”
they don’t want Janelle to set up and build on the land because they want it all for themselves ,Cody will use the RV as a reason not to stay with Janelle now since he won’t be able to use his son’s as an excuse anymore
Kody you suck how did they ever choose you
I couldn’t share a man with no one! specially 2 or 3 more women.its always going to be issues! there’s not enough quality time, so somebody will be left out😌
well now, we all know Robyn is not going g to be left out. and her putting her 2 cents in someone else’s marriage, that’s a big no, no in a plural marriage. so mow I know for sure those covid rules were hers for sure. if I am not mistaken I have head them say if Cody is having a problem with one wife the other wives do not get involved, basically its not any of their business cause it’s like gossiping about the wife that has a problem. there goes Robyn gossiping to us about Janelle and her RV. really? mabey kody shouldn’t be a husband a gave a honey to do list from Janelle? oh that’s right he only gets that list from ROBYN!!! And to think I at first liked her, and now I find her a distu4bing , crying ,little biotch. think about it , all she does it cries and whines. and brag how she doesn’t want kody around all the time it’s not what she signed up for. no all she wants is for someone to pay her bills and wait on her hand and foot.
At the end of the day, it’s really none of Robyn’ business what happens between Kody and his other wives. He doesn’t strike me as someone who does things he doesn’t want to do, so buying his brother’s truck was, obviously, something he wanted to do. Personally, I was shocked he even helped Janelle, but I’m glad to see he did.
Robyn said they didn’t have to buy a truck because they could hire someone to move the rv, to her it was a waste of money and I agree.
I agree. I like Janelle and understand why she wanted to RV instead of buying a house. But WHY would your mind go directly to “I need to buy a ($50,000) truck so I can move my RV once a year” ? That just doesn’t make financial sense. And for Robyn to bad mouth what Kody does for another wife isn’t very “sister” like.
I have this feeling that Janelle is fed up with Robyn and Kody spending all the family’s shared money. Robyn doesn’t work and uses resources for her kids the other wives never had access to. Not to mention the million dollar house. I think Janelle had enough and is splashing out the hard earned money she’s put into the family fund. She always been very conservative with money until this lol I feel it’s a way to stick it to Robyn and highlight Robyns true intent which is to be lazy and have her life funded by the other wives.
I agree that he could have paid someone to move it. he just wanted the truck.
Shut up Robyn
No more comical than her eyebrows……seems to me all the problems started after Meri divorced Kody so he could marry which was a big mistake
That’s exactly when everything went bad!Never should have happened!!
Why did they need to buy a truck to begin with? They could’ve either rented a truck, or hire someone to move the trailer to the location. It’s not like they’re going to move the trailer on a daily basis.
How is it Robins decision that she talk for Kody. If he is the man of the house for all. Pitiful. All Janelle is doing is moving forward on the property. Something they all should be doing. Bravo for her.
Robyn has been destroying that family since they met her.honestly all these woman. Have been undervalued especially his first wife.hes old and unattractive now.these woman are definitely not putting up with it anymore.i mean why would they?he’s willing to throw all the marriages away for Robyn’s toxicity.they should spend the last part of their life living for them after giving everything to that selfish man
I like Janelle, but isn’t hiring someone to move the trailer an option?
I say the family needs to all be under one roof living the plural life they claim to be a part of and have the father there with his children and wives.
Robyn is a puke! Mary and Robyn are trouble makers!
He should not got involved with that Robyn. she is no good and she is ugly and she has a big ass. fat too.
I cant watch this show anymore because it’s all about cry baby robin. then she wonders why no one likes her.
Robin has some balls saying anything she has never worked and she has a nanny so she should really stay out of it
I am not at all surprised that Robyn was opposed to Kody helping Janelle… I feel like she doesn’t necessarily see his obligation to anybody unless it is to her. He absolutely should help Janelle with her living situation… regardless of how they decide to solve it, which is none of Robyn’s business. and Kody told Janelle he would live in that RV with her.. so I hope he mans up and doesn’t back out on her now… he’s such a tool…
kody is NASTY! Robbin you should have know say what goes on between Janelle and Kody! mind your own business.
Robyn is jealous because Kody was paying attention to another wife besides her. Robyn has ALWAYS been the #1 wife. Kodys pride and Joy. Honestly they deserve each other. They are both rude egotistical idiots. Robyn really yanks my chain! I can’t stand her!!!
Robin is out for Robin and no-one else. She has only negative remarks about her sister wives. Janelle is the only one doing anything with that expensive property her husband researched so thoroughly before committing them all to such a huge mortgage.
Robin acts disgusted by Christine’s decision not to stay and work on the marriage perhaps she should have stayed and worked on her previous marriage. The Browns would have a much happier, financial future.
sobin robin is disgusting! she makes me sick to my stomach with her huge football player neck and always crying about something. who paints those stupid eyebrows on her face??? i cannot stand her or meri!!! christine and Janelle need to get the hell out of there. As for Kody…he is just nasty! If he loved just one of his wives half as much as he loves himself who knows what could happen. He makes me want to puke!
Janelle is Kody’s wife and he should be expected to help Janelle.
Mary was ready to leave Kody for
another man but now it pisses her off because Christine is leaving him?
Robyn had such a smug look when they were all having the conference call, that l just wanted to slap her.
My impression of Robyn’s comment was why the need of an added expense in buying a truck. Trucks can be rented or the rv dealership could have delivered the rv the first time. I. don’t think there was anything malicious in Robyn’s comments toward Janelle.
Everyone just likes to blame Robyn and Kody for all of the families short-comings because she was the most recent addition. They reference having issues amongst the wives BEFORE Robyn came all the time.
Kody’s afraid of Robyn – Robyn you distroyed this family when they added you.
Kody needs a man , he cant seem to love his family . Quit your wining about your wives . This is what you wanted. Grow some balls and be a father to your children and love your wives .
Dont be such a dick.
Robyn is a control freak. It appears she is the one wearing the pants.
Robyn needs to shut her pie hole. And for God’s sake will someone please tell her about those eyebrows? I can hardly concentrate on what she is saying because those things jump right out at you. Kody quit giving equal time to his families long before Flagstaff or covid and now he has the guff to whine about not being respected by some members of the family and now he’s just oh so upset and depressed about Christine leaving. He feels like he failed… Hell yes he failed. He treats Meri like she’s non existent and the last person he’d give a thought too. Janelle has adapted to take care of herself and her kids and get things done that need done. Kudos to her for forcing his hand into doing something for someone besides precious Robyn or himself.
The ” man” of the house would never have to say he’s the man of the house, if he were sincere and genuine.
condescending, narcissistic, chauvinistic, sexist and an overall type A personality tends to sum up the lovely patriarch of the family.
When and only when each wife has had enough will they set their foot down and either demand his respect or move on just as the Beautiful Christine has. She’s a hero in my book.
WELL there is so much to add here. So am I getting it right. No one should get anything unless it also benefits Robyn to. Let’s look at this.
1. She upsets the flow of the family when she becomes the 4th wife. I mean poor Christine. She repeatedly kicked that devil off her shoulder to avoid confrontation.
2. Robyn gets a great deal, marry Kody legally and now have a father fir your children. And he wants more kids. So yeah Robyn more sex, because I bet you the other wives weren’t getting any.
3. I wonder what any plural family would do if the shoes were on the other foot where the women had the plural time. Yea right, if a woman were to do that she would be called a whole. Yet men look like heros. Whatever, I would not be sharing my man.
4. Robyn’s tears are real, they are the tears worried she won’t have Kody all to herself. Robyn has always struck me as the wounded bird, that came in sat down and made herself known as the wife, kody desired.
5. Nanny, if you could not handle the kids you had then you should not have had anymore, that is simply not fair to the children, the other wives and their children.
In my book, Meri is the go with the flow wife, but should speak out more. Janelle, she is beautiful and smart, but lacks self esteem. She needs to know her worth and not let people walk over her. Oh my goodness, Christine I just adore her, but Kody took her for granted. Kody you really don’t know what you have in each of your wives because your to GA GA over Robyn. If you can look in a mirror and like the person looking back at your, then that’s awesome, if you don’t like the person looking bad at you, it’s up to you to change.
7. Only my opinion but Robyn is the least attractive and the most dramatic.
8. As far as Kody, I truly believe these plural marriages are for the women to support the man. To each their own but remember God is watching.
Always wondered if they believe in plural marriage why isn’t there plural husbands?
Kody, nobody likes you anyhow, take your legal wife and build your selves a compound for future victems to pay your bills, follow the money trail.
I can not stand Robyn she wants to be the center of Cody’s attention always and that is so selfish on her part she doesn’t care anything about her sister wives only herself and as for Cody all his time is for Robyn he left his other wives spiritually along time ago I can’t stand Cody or Robyn
Robyn should have no opinion about the amount of help Kody gives to other wives. She basically lives in a mansion compared to the other wive’s homes. She has Kody 90% of the time to help her with whatever she needs (not to mention a Nanny). Before Meri’s internet relationship, she all but begged Kody for his help and support; even if it was just to listen to her and offer guidance. She was neglected at every turn by being told she needed to make decisions and handle things on her own. Christine has been telling him for years that she didn’t feel important. The only reason things have gone as smoothly as they have with Janelle is because Janelle is a very independent woman who values her alone time and rarely rocks the boat by asking Kody for anything. Janelle doesn’t appear to be the type person who frequently makes impulsive decisions; she deserved the benefit of the doubt and the help and support of her husband. If Robyn were who she claims to be, she would be encouraging Kody to support Janelle. Robyn claims to value plural marraige; but she’s dangerously close to being the only wife. Once Janelle issues the final Fck-It, Robyn’s only hope of continuing plural marraige is for Kody to find another wife. I don’t think she will enjoy being on the other end of watching Kody with a shiny new toy.
I hate that he has listened to Robynn and lost the respect and love of his other wives and children. Covid gave her the opportunity to make the decisions that would keep Cody isolated from the others. Robyn got the largest house and they bought it so she would not lose it. she acted like she didn’t want to buy. I hope he marries younger and gives Robynn a dose of her own medicine.
i wish Janelle would just smack the wench down! then afterwards take her camper and leave! let Cody and the wench be alone..thats the way they want it!!!!
to me I think Mary should go to Utah and take care of her bed and breakfast and have a good nice life right there without Cody she doesn’t have a marriage with him he’s only a piece of s***. and I think Janelle should take her camper and go to Northern Utah and stay up there by Christine since they all get along so well and tell Cody to kiss their ass. then she could sell her part of coyote pass and buy a piece of property in Utah. and leave Robin and Cody together to where he wouldn’t have all the money from the other three wives. then watch Cody run because he won’t have all that money from all the other wives.
I have to agree with you all!
Cody and Robin deserve each other! They both are disgusting, narcissistic people. Robin has played the victim! Sickening! Christine is the smartest and bravest! So proud and happy for her. I think Janell will leave his sorry, ugly ass too! He doesn’t care about most of his children! Calls them Christin’s kids! Or janells kids! He is pathetic!
Robin wanted Kody for herself. Meri , Janelle, Christine are being treated unfairly. Sell the big land in Flagstaff and give his other wives what is rightfully there .Kody and Robyn are running the show. TLC SHOULD CANCEL THEM. DOES KODY AND ROBYN WORK. I don’t like Kody he is a hypocrite. Robyn is a Mapulator. Now Kody will have to pay child support for the children under 18. Robyn you should he ashamed of yourself. Kody acts like he is so torn up about Christine leaving. it’s just a matter of time Kody will have more wives and kids for Welfare and Foodstamps.
you people that comment on this TV show..
why do you watch it if you can’t stand it?
I like it because its a reality TV program. I prefer reality
shows then the same old TV shows with actress and actors.
so stop your complaining or stop watching it.