Lilah Roloff Can’t Take Anymore, Tori Ignores Daughter’s Wishes?

Tori Roloff - Lilah Roloff - Instagram

LPBW fans believe Lilah Roloff’s face “says it all” in the latest snapshot and she may be done being a prop for her mother Tori to make some easy cash. As fans know, Tori and Zach Roloff’s family recently went on a vacation. Tori Roloff has shared tons of photos from the vacation. One thing LPBW fans quickly noticed was most of the photos featured either Josiah and/or Jackson. Where was Lilah Roloff? Did she go on this vacation too?

Finally, Tori Roloff shared a photo of Lilah. She reassured fans that Lilah was with them and enjoying the trip too. Tori Roloff proceeded to explain that Lilah was NOT interested in stopping for photos during the vacation. Turns out, Lilah wanted to enjoy the vacation without constantly stopping for photo ops.

A woman and her young daughter
Tori and Lilah/Credit: TLC YouTube

Tori Roloff celebrated as she shared one photo she finally captured of Lilah. On multiple social media platforms, fans agreed Lilah’s face spoke louder than words. Moreover, fans were a bit disgusted that Tori took and shared a photo of her daughter after it was clear that wasn’t what Lilah wanted.

Tori Roloff goes against Lilah’s wishes?

Some Little People, Big World fans think Tori Roloff should have kept this photo of her daughter Lilah off Instagram as her face indicated she wasn’t too happy with the photo being snapped in the first place. In a caption attached to the photo, Tori explained that it was the first photo Lilah had allowed her to take all day. Lilah’s sour face in the photo, however, suggested that she still wasn’t too happy with the photo being taken.

Tori Roloff and her sister-in-law Audrey are constantly catching heat for using their children as props on social media to push products and earn easy cash. Some fans, however, believe Tori took things too far with this photo as it was clear Lilah didn’t want her photo taken.

Lilah Roloff - Instagram
Lilah – Instagram

At the very end of her caption, Tori Roloff even complained it has been a long 24 hours as she struggled to get Lilah to a place where she was willing to let her mama take a photo.

Do you think Tori Roloff violated Lilah’s privacy when she took this photo and posted it on social media? Is Lilah sick of being her mother’s prop? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more on Little People, Big World. 

Allie Johnson

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