Quick Run Down Of TLC’s ‘Little People, Big World’ Cast

Matt Roloff YouTube

Sixteen years ago, Little People, Big World aired on TLC, and the fandom still continues to date. The series aired first in March 2006 and is now in its 23rd season, which started airing on May 17 this year. The TLC series revolves around the daily highs and lows of the Roloff family and their famous Oregon farms.

The head of the family, Matt & Amy Roloff, are both 4 feet and currently divorced. The show documented the ex-couple through the years, raising their kids over almost two decades. They have four children together. The eldest are Jeremy & Zachary, 32, followed by Molly, 28, and the youngest, Jacob, 25. Although the divorce was finalized in May 2016, Matt and Amy still toil together at the family farms.


Introducing Zach & Tori From Little People, Big World

Zach and Jeremy are twin brothers, and the former met his wife Tori in 2010. Tori had been working at the Roloff farms during the pumpkin season, and five years from then, the couple got married. They also purchased a Portland house worth $600,000 in 2018. However, they later decided to move in October 2021 from Oregon to Washington.

Zach And Tori YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

The couple welcomed Jackson Kyle Roloff, their firstborn, in 2017, after which Tori announced another pregnancy on his 2nd birthday. Their daughter Lilah Roloff was born in 2019.

Tapping Into Jeremy & Audrey’s Story

Jeremy has been married to his wife Audrey for 9 years now. The couple walked down the aisle in 2014, and by July 2021, Audrey revealed that they were expecting their third child. The couple has a son named Bode James, born in January 2021, and a 4-year-old daughter, Ember Jean.

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

In November 2021, they welcomed son Radley who was still in the amniotic sac when born. In an Instagram post, Audrey talked about her son’s unique birth circumstances. She mentioned that her son was born only after a few contractions, and she begged her midwife to break her water. To this, her midwife responded that it is good luck for a child in some cultures to be born with the sac on.

Learn About Little People, Big World’s Jacob & Isabel

Jacob is Matt Roloff’s youngest child and is married to Isabel Rock. As per The Sun, the couple reportedly lived in a van in the Oregon woods with their 2 dogs in June 2020. However, the couple has since moved close to the Pumpkin Farms.

Jacob And Isabel Roloff Instagram

[Source: Instagram]

This move to stay close to Jacob’s parents came after Isabel was reportedly 33 weeks pregnant with their son Mateo. Just like sister Molly, Jacob doesn’t appear anymore on Little People, Big World. He quit the show at 18 and has no plans to return yet.

Amy Gets Married To Realtor Chris

While Amy and Matt were together when the show started, the couple has since divorced. Amy is currently married to a realtor Chris Marek who proposed to her three years into dating. The couple met at a singles wine & paint night organized at Portland-based Vine Gogh Artist Bar & Studio.

Amy And Chris YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

Chris’ debut on Little People, Big World was met with skepticism on the fans’ part because they assumed he was a paid actor.

Matt And Amy’s Daughter Molly

Molly Roloff is the only daughter and middle child of the ex-couple. She opted out of the show just like her brother Jacob. Even before opting out, the reality star made rare appearances on the show.

Molly Roloff YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

She graduated in 2016 from Washington’s Whitworth University and two years later purchased a home with her husband Joel Silvius in Spokane.

Meet Matt & Caryn From Little People, Big World

Finally, 60-year-old Matt Roloff is the head of the family born with diastrophic dysplasia. It is degenerative dwarfism resulting in the reality star undergoing 15 operations when he was a child. After his divorce from ex-wife Amy, he now lives with his girlfriend, Caryn Chandler.

Matt and Caryn YouTube

[Source: YouTube]

Caryn worked as Matt’s assistant for more than a decade before the couple started dating. This is what sparked cheating rumors. As of now, Amy and Matt maintain an amicable relationship for the well-being of their four children.

Is this information that you already knew about the family? Let us know in the comments below.

Allie Johnson

One Comment

  1. Amy should thank Caryn for taking Matt. He is a rudinski and Chris is a well rounded gentleman. But remains macho enough to be a man’s man.

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