‘Survivor’ 42: An Entire Advantage Was Cut From The Game

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The finale is almost here. Episode 12 is the last episode before the end coming next week. This week’s episode sees a major come up for Maryanne. She’s a player who most have thought of as a lovable goat for most of the season. Her strategy and clever planning are on abundant display in this episode. She pulls off one of the biggest moves of this season against one of Survivor 42’s premiere strategists: Omar Zaheer. While it’s sad to see Omar go, it’s still exciting to see the remaining players ready to duke it out in the finale.
But Omar had some things to say about his game and this season. Specifically about a cut advantage that widely changes the perception of everyone who’s already seen the episode.
The Lost Advantage

Omar spoke about his missing advantage and what ultimately took him out of the game in an exit interview with Parade.
“Jonathan and I found [the advantage] very early in the game together, and we were not going to tell Lindsay and Maryanne. And then he found out that I told Lindsay, and that was really the domino that let everything go. He told Mike about it, and then Mike turned on me. So it was like this perfect storm.”
The advantage that Omar refers to is an idol nullifier. Apparently, Omar and Jonathan found the advantage together when they were still at the original Taku beach. The existence of this advantage is left entirely out of the edit. The decision to leave info like this out is very strange. At its core, it makes a little bit of sense. The advantage never went into play, so what’s even the point of talking about it when we can focus on other things? The problem is, according to Omar, that advantage was at the center of major drama between himself, Jonathan, and Mike that majorly affected Episode 12’s vote.
So, essentially, a major reason behind Omar going home in this episode is left out of the show entirely. A strange decision, considering it concerns the downfall of one of the season’s top players.
The End Of Survivor 42
The Survivor Season 42 finale is upon us. While Maryanne shows off as an impressive player in this episode, her road to the final tribal council is hazardous. Romeo and Jonathan are easily goats that the remaining big players would like to take. Jonathan or Lindsay could easily win the next 2 immunity challenges and the final four fire-making sudden death. Could Maryanne wind up being the easy target amidst all of these tough players? Or will her cunning attitude continue to propel her to the title?
The finale of Survivor Season 42 airs next Wednesday.