‘Survivor’ 42: Tori Just Stirred Up A LOT Of Controversy

tori meehan survivor 42
Nick Davis

Jeff Probst always says that Survivor is just a microcosm of society. The longer the show exists, the more we’re able to see how accurate he is in that assessment. Over 22 years we’ve seen the actions, motivations, strategies, and words of each Survivor cast gradually change. We’ve seen them reacting to major world events and changing their approaches to the game based on what’s going on. On more than a couple of occasions, the controversy has been all-too real and indicative of real-life controversy.

Season 42 has already been full of controversial moments, both within the season and following the cast members outside of the season. 42’s strongman Jonathan recently came under fire for a divisive piece of his past. Now Tori Meehan, the finalist who was just recently eliminated, is taking the hot seat.

Tori’s Controversy Outside Survivor

Recently, American social media has been buzzing with the news that the Supreme Court plans to overturn Roe v. Wade. For anyone unaware, Roe v. Wade is the Supreme Court ruling from 1973 that protects abortion rights in the United States. With the news that this protection may be going away soon, pro-life factions are rejoicing while pro-choice Americans are protesting both on the internet and in real life. Tori Meehan has already been controversial for being an anti-vaccine advocate. Anti-vaccine groups and anti-abortion groups often overlap in their right-wing alignments. So her views on Roe v. Wade aren’t too surprising.

tori meehan survivor 42 instagram post
Tori’s Instagram story post on the Supreme Court’s apparent decision

Many Survivor viewers are unhappy with Tori’s public views on both issues here. The controversies with both Tori and Jonathan illustrate both the effect of social media and the continuing divide between Americans.  These kinds of things are only happening more and more as the years go by. And it continues to show Survivor as a mirror of what’s happening in real life. Tori and Jonathan are representations of America’s right-wing audience just as contestants like Hai and Drea show the other end.

It is worth noting that the vast majority of OB-GYN doctors and virologists would disagree with Tori’s post.

42: A Polarizing Season

In last Wednesday’s episode, Tori met her elimination alongside her rival Rocksroy in another controversial tribal. Tori is now the third member of the jury. And there are only eight players remaining. The question is, how many more hot topics will be brought to the surface by the remaining episodes this season? It may just keep going and going.

New episodes of Survivor Season 42 are airing every Wednesday.

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