Who Got Voted Off ‘Survivor’ 42, Episode 4?

survivor 42 episode 4 challenge
Nick Davis


Episode 3 of Survivor 42 features only two of the season’s three competing tribes. The Ika tribe is nowhere to be seen anywhere in the episode aside from the immunity challenge. Episode 4 puts Ika back in the spotlight. And they’re back with a vengeance. Episode 4 unveils the chaos and dysfunction that runs rampant on Ika’s beach. And it’s unlikely that one eliminated player is going to fix all of their problems.

Overall, the episode is the slowest thus far in the season. They show Daniel attempting damage control over on Vati, and the other alliances forming in the wake of Jenny’s elimination. They also show Jonathan’s increasingly risky position over on Taku. It seems as though the show is building to an extremely hectic merge. But, for now, we get a fairly straightforward elimination, with yet another twist failure.

ika tribe survivor 42 challenge

Who Got Eliminated?

Swati Goel is the unfortunate elimination from this week’s episode. Ika lost the challenge after being unable to pull it together. Plus, at this point, trying to beat Jonathan in a physical competition is a fool’s game. The resulting discussions over elimination at their camp reveal how off everything feels in their tribe. There is definitely no cohesion present among them. All of their conversations feel awkward and as though few of them really want to work together.

Swati had the misfortune of being exposed for telling one too many people that they were her number one ally. Once the rest of her tribe had the realization of her game, they were quick to turn on her. At the tribal, it’s only Rocksroy who has any interest at all in keeping Swati around. Swati, realizing this, turns to the twist that keeps never giving. The “shot in the dark” twist. The twist that gives players a one-in-six chance of gaining immunity at the last second in tribal. The consequences being they lose their vote should they pull one of the five “not safe” parchments.

This twist has already been attempted two other times this season. Both times were a failure, with an elimination of the attempting player following. Swati continues the twist’s deadly streak. She pulled a “not safe” and was eliminated. At this point, the question is whether or not the twist will ever work at all. It’s starting to feel like a hoax of a twist. But the odds of it working improve every time there’s an attempt. So fingers crossed for the future.

‘Survivor’ 42 Nears The Merge

The Survivor 42 merge is imminent. There are 13 castaways remaining and last season there was a merge at 12. So it would appear as though Episode 5 will be the final pre-merge episode. There are a lot of threats and several players in risky positions with few alliances. So some backstabbing and big strategic plays seem inevitable as this large event looms.

Survivor Season 42 airs new episodes every Wednesday.

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