Exclusive: Dustin’s Second Crew Complete On ‘Gold Rush: White Water’

Tonight on Discovery’s Gold Rush: White Water, the excitement level is sky high as the new crew for Dustin Hurt experience a baptism by ice-cold raging water.
McKinley Camp is where it is at for this endeavor. And in a ramped-up effort to get to the gold quicker,
Dustin Hurt has risked it all by forming a needed second crew. Hurt has gambled his whole season on a new unproved dive location and dredge.
The mountain melt at House Rock is raging, and Dustin weighs his spot and enters the fierce high water.
Under extreme pressure to get his first gold of the season, Dustin pushes both crews to their limits at one of the world’s most dangerous mine sites at McKinley Creek. And before they can prove themselves, mother nature shakes things up.
Last week he added some new people like Kayla Johanson, and this week he hired more people. Enter Eric Foster, who is a Navy diver with an excellent CV. But they still need more workforce.
Meet Dustin Hurt’s new hire, Mark Stamper
One of the standout newcomers is Mark Stamper. Stamper joins Scott Allen, Kayla Johanson, and Eric Foster, completing Dustin’s second dredge crew.
In TV Shows Ace’s exclusive preview, Stamper, a former firefighter and suction dredge gold diver, cedes he is not as badass as he thought.
He said: “I thought I was a badass when I first came up to Alaska eight years ago, and I realized that everybody up here is a badass.”
Stamper spent two seasons dredging for gold in the Bering Sea, and he’s here for one thing. He says: “Gold is the key to anything. It doesn’t matter where you go; people will accept it. I can go to the furthest place on this earth, walk in there and go and they will let me in, makes you greedy [and] that makes you want more, and I’m going to get it.”
Dustin Hurt says to Stamper: “The reason we brought more people out is trying to put two dredges [to work], so I’m
trying to have two separate crews, and you guys are going to function as your own crew without us, right? So I want to throw everything at it, and I want to get as much rock out of there as much gold out of this hole as it can get, so that’s why you’re here, man.”
About Gold Rush: White Water
High in Alaska’s Chilkat Mountains, the Dakota boys return to the most gold-rich ground of their lives, on the hunt for millions.
But an unexpected announcement sends shockwaves through the father and son run operation. The departure of one legendary miner makes way for fresh blood, willing to work hard, life-changing payday.
And as snowfall threatens to derail their season, miners are pitted against mother nature in a winner take all battle in an all-new season.
With four new crew members, Dustin is now responsible for eight lives, challenging his resolve like never before.
Will Dustin’s big gamble pay off with another record-breaking season, or will it bring financial ruin?
Gold Rush: White Water airs Friday at 9 PM ET/PT on Discovery and discovery+.
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