‘RHONY’ Stars Luann De Lesseps and Sonja Morgan Offended By Talk Show Host

RHONY, Youtube

RHONY stars Luann de Lesseps and Sonja Morgan joined the hosts of Build BRUNCH for a sit down about the reunion. There was some tension when one of the hosts made a statement about Bethenny Frankel helping the show stay on as long as it did.

RHONY Stars Get Into Part One Of The Reunion With The Hosts

Right away the host Kerry Justich gets into the reunion with Sonja Morgan. She says she saw her in the role of a peace maker and that’s something she’s never seen before. Sonja also mentioned how she couldn’t help Ramona Singer because she got caught in so many lies this year. She said she loves and understands her so they are still friends.

According to an article on Reality Tea, and evident in the video, one of the hosts offended them when he asked a question about Bethenny Frankel’s return. Frankel had been absent from RHONY for three years before her return. The host, Lukas Thimm, says he’s watched since the beginning and states they had some time in the middle where Bethenny wasn’t there. He asks if getting her back on the show was the reason it lasted for so long.

Both Luann de Lesseps and Sonja Morgan are quick to react and say they do not think that’s it at all. Lesseps tells Lukas they carried the show pretty well on their own.


Did The Women Jump To Conclusions On What The Host Meant?

Watching the Build BRUNCH RHONY  video you see Lukas Thimm quickly backtrack and restate what he actually said.  He states the authentic relationships with the original five was getting back to the original DNA. It isn’t clear if he meant Bethenny carried them and her being back kept the show going or what.  Sonja yells at him, “have you lost your mind?”

To his credit, he doesn’t back down once they get angry with him. He sticks to his guns about what he meant and the interview moves out of awkward territory.

Luann says about the original RHONY members, there is a history and they are like a family that has to get along at the end of the day. Sonja said she’s been friends with everyone before the show. Lukas then asks if it hurts more when you fight with someone you’ve known a long time. Luann said it’s like fighting with your sisters. Lukas tweeted about talking to the two stars, “this interview was a dream come true!”

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Emily Walker

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