Are Savannah Chrisley & Nic Kerdiles In Trouble?

Sassy Savannah

Savannah Chrisley and Nic Kerdiles’ relationship seems to be the latest target of Instagram trolls. Savannah Chrisley gets trolled on quite a lot at the moment. From her stance on Black Lives Matter to social distancing criticism, the trolls slap at the Chrisley Knows Best star. Now, someone suggested that her and Nic Kerdiles’ relationship’s in trouble. She shut them down fast.

Savannah Chrisley slams troll, angry about a comment on her and Nic Kerdiles

Fans got onto a post about Chloe and made it all about Black Lives Matter. Many critics slam celebs right now for posting the wrong thing or for not posting at all. The subject of racial inequality reverberates around the world after the death of George Floyd. When Savannah and her dad, Todd both shared a photo of Chloe, a person of color, fans got in her face about it. They felt that cutesy pics of a privileged girl seemed out of place. Instead, they felt Savannah should address the BLM protests instead.

Then, Savannah Chrisley shared a photo of her and her friends enjoying beach life. Criticism flooded her posts because it seemed they disregarded social distancing. Some fans felt irritated that she flaunts her wealth and lifestyle, while others struggle with the hardships of coronavirus. While she ignores many trolls, when it comes to suggesting she and Nic Kerdiles might be in trouble though, she shut down a troll on her Instagram.

Troll suggests Nic and Savannah have no serious relationship

The most recent trolling came after Savannah shared yet another photo, this time in a bedroom. Savannah captioned it with, “As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little a lost” Then, she added, ” And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, woulda, buckle up and just keep going.” Finally, she ended with “•••• GUESS WHO SAID THIS AND WHAT SHOW IT WAS SAID IN •••••😍.”

Well not everyone wanted to play with that invite. One of Savannah Chrisley’s followers hit on her and said, “Having relationship problems.” Savannah Chrisley clapped back at them, saying, “Pretty sure that quotes about life in general… Not referring to my relationship but good try honey.” Well, rumors ran rife about Savannah and Nic going through problems. They still wait for the much-touted wedding.

Despite trolls, Savannah Chrisley still get plenty of loyal followers

Other followers still love Savannah though. On her post, plenty of them said very nice things to her. One fan sweetly noted, “You look absolutely beautiful in this picture!! You are glowing! 💕” Then another one declared their “love” for her. Savannah’s got it all, some people think – Wealth, pizzazz, and beauty – “Literally so gorgeous,” one fan said.

Could Savannah Chrisley and Nic Kerdiles be struggling in the relationship department? Sound off in the comments below.

Jane Flowers
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