Want To Make Some Fun Bonus Cash In Fanduel Watching ‘Listen To Your Heart’? Here’s How
![Listen to Your Heart, Instagram](https://tvshowsace.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Capture-19.png)
Without sports, Fanduel has had to find other things to let people bet on. That’s why this Monday’s premiere of Listen To Your Heart will be on their app. Fans can choose four people with one being MVP and then you gets points when that person does something good.
You lose points when someone does something bad. Once you sign up here for Fanduel you’ll enter the $2K Reality Bachelor Free Play. You don’t have to pay anything to play this free entry game.
How Do You Play Listen To Your Heart Fanduel?
The money you win, is up to $2000.00 is Bonus Cash, meaning you can enter into the paid games to play in the future. Right now, only seventeen thousand out of one hundred thousand spots have been entered.
When you pick your players you have a certain amount of money to spend. You may decide you want to spread it out evenly or buy one big player for your MVP and then spread it out a little with your other three contestants. Their value will change weekly due to what those good people at Fanduel think may happen. You can research it the same way you would a football game and determine who you think will fall in love and who will bail.
How Does The Point System Work?
There are a lot of things the Listen To Your Heart contestants can do to earn you points. You get the most points if your contestant says I love you at 3.3. It’s unclear if that will happen in the first episode but this applies weekly. Next highest points are 3 if your contestant says they are falling in love. You also get 3 if they are given a rose. If your contestant goes on a date, you will score you 2.4. If someone cries, you’re getting 1.8 points.
There are a lot of things they can do to give you 1.5 points including kissing someone, saying someone isn’t there for the right reasons, has some part of their body blurred out, dances, or says the word chemistry. There are several other ways to get points like 1.2 for a beeped out curse word or 1.35 for saying drama.
As for reasons you will lose points, if someone is eliminated you lose 3. Same if your contestant leaves of gets kicked off. This is a great way for Bachelor fans to do something fun together during quarantine. They can tune into Listen to Your Heart on Monday and even challenge their friends to see who can get the most points.
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