‘The View’ Fans Are Sick Of Joy Behar’s On-Air Rude Habit

Joy Behar - The View

The View fans pick up on many things that the panel does during the show. Although the election didn’t turn out the way the ladies had hoped, they are continuing the conversation. However, now fans are saying they are sick of Joy Behar’s on-air rude habits interrupting the show.

Joy Behar Continues To Shock Fans

Undoubtedly, it has been a tense week for America and especially, the ladies at The View. During the weeks leading up to the election, many fans wanted Sunny Hostin and Sara Haines to “play nice” in the sandbox. Now, they are mourning the decisions made by the American people. But Joy Behar was accused of making her own questionable decisions by cheating. Likewise, fans thought she would be fired for outing her co-host’s lesbian relationship. However, now Joy is standing out to fans for another reason. While many people will excuse her bluntness at times, she has frequently become more and more rude and dismissive.

Joy Behar - The View
Joy Behar – The View

Fans Are Sick Of Joy Behar’s On-Air Rude Habit

Although The View host, Joy Behar is sometimes rough around the edges, fans are more annoyed that she continues to show off one rude behavior in particular that she should have complete control over. Fans have noticed over the past few months that Joy will often leave her cell phone on during live recording. Even though it doesn’t seem to bother her much when it rings or she gets notifications, Sara Haines has jumped in to help her shut it off multiple times. Joy has also gone round and round with Siri too.

Whoopi Goldberg, Sara Haines, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin. - The ViewWhoopi Goldberg, Sara Haines, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Alyssa Farah Griffin. – The View

Likewise, Sunny Hostin’s phone has also rang during the show. But fans are more understanding about Sunny. Notably, she insists since she has kids in college, she needs to keep her phone close in case they need her at any moment. However, Joy doesn’t have the same excuse and fans are getting tired of her unnecessary interruptions. On a recent episode, she did it again and fans don’t know why she keeps repeating the offense.

Whoopi Goldberg’s Thought Gets Derailed

In particular, the latest incident was during a heated exchange between Sunny Hostin and Alyssa Farah Griffin. After the ladies began to repeatedly speak over each other, Whoopi Goldberg jumped in. While she was attempting to smooth out the situation, another annoying interruption occurred from Joy Behar’s direction. Whoopi was working to de-escalate the situation between Sunny and Alyssa talking about Donald Trump not getting jail time when Joy’s device chimes while on-air.

Her watch chimes in during Whoopi Goldberg's intervention. - The View
Joy Behar’s watch chimes in during Whoopi Goldberg’s intervention. – The View

Whoopi calls Joy out since it makes her stop her train of thought, “Wanna get it, I’ll wait.” Joy makes it seem like no big deal except that Whoopi announced it. Admittedly, it wasn’t her phone this time, it was her watch that caused the disruption. When Whoopi brings attention to it, Joy stares off-camera annoyed and slightly embarrassed that Whoopi said anything. Defensively, Joy says, “It’s not my phone, it’s my watch.” The other panelists laugh at the inconvenient disturbance. Sunny says, “We have to be able to laugh at something, Joy.” Still annoyed, Joy deflects and shakes her arms, “With these feathers, how can I laugh!” But she finally cracks a smile.

Fans Are Getting Tired Of It

While some of The View followers find the interaction funny, others are tired of it. Since it seems to be a bad habit of Joy Behar’s, fans are speaking up.

  • Someone comments on Facebook, “Darn, I always miss the good stuff.”
  • Another fan jokes that it is a “terrorist device.”
  • Additionally, someone adds, “Too funny.”
  • But some people think Joy Behar needs to get control of her unruly devices, “Leave it at home Joy!”
  • “Joy’s an idiot.”

Catch The View on weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.

What do you think about Joy Behar’s leaving her devices’ volume on during filming? Do you think it is rude of her? Do you think it is commonplace now to have device interruptions? Should Joy change her rude habit? Do you appreciate the differing opinions at The View table? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill


    1. Get rid of Joy. She is a true Debbie Downer. Not one positive comment on anything. Please please fire her. The show needs some young fresh ideas. What’s wrong with adding a few men, why does it have to be all these negative women who are clearly unhappy in their own life.

      1. I think Joy is having a serious cognitive decline. I have worked with and have family members with cognitive decline and she is showing alot of the symptoms.
        Turning nasty is right at the top of the list. She sure has that symptom, including many others.
        She needs to go home and stay away from others.

    2. I have never seen another group of nasty vile vicious. I use the word loosely women. They are absolutely a disgrace to women. If that program were to go off the air, it wouldn’t bother me because I haven’t watched it since Barbara was on.

  1. It’s bad enough you can’t hear/understand them half the time because they’re talking over each other. But when a ringing phone interrupts Whoopi’s train of thought, it’s very frustrating. They all have a lot of informative intelligent things to say; personally, I’d like to be able to hear what they all have to say.

    1. The very existence of an all-female panel is inherently sexist and may I add, misandrist. Everyone is always talking heatedly about misogeny but nobody knows the exact opposite term — misandrist — the hatred of men. Also about Whoopi’s “train of thought”…what train of thought? That train left the station. I think most of us can agree that Behar is a disgusting person and at her age, to be that sex-obsessed, is both immature and stomach churning.

      1. Have always disliked the atmosphere on the View. i don’t watch. However, I “peeked” for a few minutes last week, after the election. Just as I thought, Nelly Negative, and co. had to continue their surly and uninformed comments. Time to put something new in that slot. Boring.

  2. cancel that misogynistic, exist, racist show…. they all are nothing but spoiled elitist that only care about themselves. the original MEAN GIRLS. no wonder bullying is running rampant

  3. I agree they need to cancel the View. never anything comes out of there mouth is positive and nice. they’re are so weak minded.

  4. I am a fan almost since day one. I don’t think Joy or any of the women should be using their personal devices during on air time. It’s very rude and unprofessional. There must be TV aids who could notify the mothers of an emergency call during the taping. Also a more firm way to stop them from talking over each other. When that happens the viewers can’t hear anything. perhaps a timer for speaking and then a timer for ant responses. somebody needs to be in charge besides the women at the table.

    1. Are you kidding me? Your only objection is personal cell phone calls; and talking over each other? Who cares what they’re saying over each other? It’s garbage. You need to learn to think for yourself and drop The View.

  5. It would be a public service if The View were canceled. Replace it with anything uplifting. There is enough anger and rudness in the world and this group checks all the boxes at being a “Karen”. Never a kind word. Always rude and snarky.

  6. they’re constant talking over each other has made me not want to watch the View anymore. It’s very unprofessional. when you have the floor, say what you need to say without taking forever and give the floor to someone else, and so, and so on. Everybody needs to get a grip on themselves.

  7. Their constant talking over each other has made me not want to watch the View anymore. It’s very unprofessional. when you have the floor, say what you need to say without taking forever and give the floor to someone else, and so, and so on. Everybody needs to get a grip on themselves.

  8. The View is nothing but a liberal hatefest. If there was an equivalent on the conservative side (all conservative men, save for one “token”), it would have been canceled long ago.

    Get rid of it.

  9. Definetly not a fan of this train wreck
    of a gossip show and its fruitcake mentally unstable pànelists,Behar and Hostin especially,barf material.

  10. I have been a fan for a long time and I love all the ladies and their input. If you don’t like what you see use your remote. Thank you

    1. I truly pray that Sonny and Joy are Gang Banged by At least 10 Nasty Illegal Aliens and they Run a train on those ladies in Every hole possible. Same goes for you being you sound like an idiot Liberal.

  11. Leave Joy and the ladies on the view alone as they are the only
    Ones with truth and integrity. They are real and sincere and this is what we need .

    1. Truth and integrity for idiots. They can’t even turn their phones off. The View panelists “Joy and Sunny”, two names that imply good humor and good cheer, are two dumb, bitter hags who can’t turn off their phone to boot. It appears that this big TV gig isn’t really that important to them. Who is Joy waiting for on the phone, Mr. Goodbar?

  12. As the hosts always say: “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it”. No reason to complain🤔
    I accidentally led to this page. I tape and watch the show everyday and I get some interesting info.
    You guys have extra time to watch what you don’t like and listen to who you don’t enjoy.
    People with a lot of time in hand will criticize everything. Just to prove it, read the comments coming after mine👍

  13. Never watched the first show. Only seen clips from orther shows about the View and can truly say what I have seen the View should be canceled like last week.

  14. that’s why I quit watching it 😂
    and who ever said that they were truthful really needs to do your homework a little bit better. They are constantly lying. Another reason I quit watching. to each your own but for me I will pass. I only read the article to see what stupid thing has happened again on that Trainwreck of a show.

  15. Love the View! No one holding a gun to your head! Don’t like it…don’t watch it! I’m sick and tired of everyone making decisions on what others deem enjoyable for them. Mind your own business!

  16. The View should be canceled! ABC, get them off now. They are making your network look bad due to their lack of knowledge and hatred for the majority of Americans. They are rude and mean!!

  17. I am a male and have never seen the show. I will look at it tomorrow
    if it is so bad, why do sponsored continue to fund it?

  18. The few times I’ve seen The View I’ve been disgusted with thei way they talk over each other & how mean & nasty they are! They don’t like anyone who disagrees with them. This show is a disgrace & should have been canceled a long time ago!!!

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