Kate Gosselin’s Lawyer Breaks Silence About Abuse Allegations Against Collin

Collin Gosselin | YouTube

Collin Gosselin did a recent interview where he dropped a couple of major bombshells. After his mother, Kate Gosselin, got him kicked out of the Marines when she made a public social media post saying he was a danger to people around him, Collin defended himself. He also said his mother abused him as a child.

Now, Kate’s attorney has spoken up about the claims and made an interesting statement.

Collin Gosselin Says Kate Gosselin Abused Him As A Child

Kate Gosselin placed her son Collin Gosselin in a mental health facility when he was only 11. She then left him there for a long time before his dad finally came to get him released into his custody. After getting out, Collin graduated from high school with honors and joined the Marines.

Collin Gosselin | YouTube
Collin Gosselin | YouTube

However, Kate made a public post saying he was a danger to people around him and needed to be re-institutionalized. This caused the Marine Corps to look into Collin’s childhood past, and they discharged him because of the mental health admission as a child.

In a new interview, Collin said that his mother had him institutionalized to take away his credibility when he commented that he was going to expose the abuse he claims she inflicted on him. This includes what he said was Kate zip-tying his hands and feet and locking him in a basement room with one bed and a camera for an entire day sometimes.

Jon Gosselin revealed the room existed in the basement and said Hannah told him this was all true when she left Kate to live with Jon instead.

Collin also released his medical records that show he does not have the mental afflictions Kate claimed he had when she institutionalized him.

Kate Gosselin’s Attorney Defends Her Against Claims

Kate Gosselin’s attorney, Richard Puelo, spoke to Fox News and defended his client against the accusations. The lawyer would not comment on the accusations that she would isolate him from his siblings by locking him in a room. However, he did have some explanations for the accusations.

Kate Plus 8 Kate Gosselin Watches The Purse Strings As A Nurse TLC
Kate Plus 8 Kate Gosselin Watches The Purse Strings As A Nurse TLC

“She never wants to comment because she always knows that this gets taken out of context,” Puleo said. “She doesn’t want to comment. Doesn’t need to. The record speaks for itself.”

He said that Kate won’t comment on these allegations because “the facts belie the truth.” He then said, “I don’t believe she intentionally harmed any of her children in any way, shape or form.” The word “intentionally” stands out in this statement.

The attorney did not respond to the release of Collin’s medical records disproving the mental afflictions Kate had her son diagnosed with.

What are your thoughts on the new allegations against Kate Gosselin? Do you believe Collin Gosselin, or do you think Kate is telling the truth? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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  1. everyone interprets the actions of others in their own way even when these actions are with the best intentions & with a loving heart. I have a kid who would likely say I was a horrible parent because she broke every rule set for her and received consequences for that including sometimes having NOTHING in her room but her bed. Was she abused in her opinion yes, was she abused in mine? Absolutely not.
    Jon was an absent father who refused to be present in raising a gaggle of children. Kate was stressed to the max and struggling to manage them all on her own. Both parents failed.

    1. abuse is abuse regardless of the opinion of the other. I would say taking everything out of a kids room but the bed is pretty fucking abusive.

  2. I think we owe it to Collin to take into consideration that Kate wasn’t Mother of the year. It’s shocking that these “perfect” people aren’t so perfect after all. Why did Kate zero in on Colin, the one child? Perhaps because he called her out on abuse she inflicted?

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