Mama June Not Respecting Anna Cardwell’s Dying Wish?

Mama June - YouTube/WEtv

The latest episode of Mama June: Family Crisis shows June Shannon confronting her daughter Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell about who will take custody of Kaitlyn when Anna is gone. As her daughter battles adrenal carcinoma, June reminds her of the importance of getting paperwork in order so that they won’t have to worry about where her granddaughter will go. Now, it seems like Mama June isn’t respecting Anna’s final wishes. Keep reading to see how she’s gone against what Anna Cardwell wanted for her daughter Kaitlyn.

Anna Cardwell Wanted Eldridge To Take Care Of Kaitlyn

During the conversation between Mama June and Anna regarding Kaitlyn’s custody, Chickadee made it clear that she’d like Kaitlyn to stay with her husband, Eldridge.

“We don’t have any say so over Kylee, we know that. I feel like the moment you take your last breath her dad, Michael, is going to be in the front yard, pulling her out of this house,” June said, referring to Anna’s other daughter Kylee. “Would that suck for everybody involved? It most certainly will, but then we also have the situation with Kaitlyn.”

Anna Cardwell - YouTube/Wetv

“I want Kaitlyn to go to Eldridge,” Anna told Mama June, who was clearly shocked by the revelation. She assumed that Anna would want her to take care of Kaitlyn in the event of her death.

Either way, June urges her daughter to file paperwork so that her last wishes regarding custody of Kaitlyn will be made legal. However, Chickadee said that she felt she still had time to draw up documents. Unfortunately, she didn’t get a chance to do that before she died on December 9, 2023.

Mama June Granted Emergency Custody Of Kaitlyn

Now, it looks like Mama June isn’t honoring Anna’s wishes. Following their discussion about custody of Kaitlyn, June expressed that she thought her granddaughter would be better in her custody. She claimed that she would be able to provide a more stable life for Kaitlyn than Eldridge. June also pointed out that Eldridge may not have wanted to have custody of Kaitlyn.

Mama June Shannon from weTV, sourced from YouTube
Mama June Shannon from weTV, sourced from YouTube

As they are dealing with the aftermath of Anna’s death, it has been shown that June is granted emergency custody of Kaitlyn. Although Anna stated that she wanted Kaitlyn to stay with her husband, Eldridge is not her daughter’s biological father. On top of that, Eldridge was feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for the child following the death of his wife.

Right now, Michael Cardwell, Kylee’s dad, is fighting for custody of Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn’s biological father is not around, and Michael seems to be pushing to keep the two sisters together. Given Mama June’s past custody woes, it is hard to believe that she will be granted custody of Kaitlyn in the long run, but only time will tell.

Mama June: Family Crisis airs on Fridays at 9 p.m. EST on WEtv.

Amanda Blankenship


  1. Why would June think she would ever be the better parent? I understand Pumpkin & Josh in the fact they have 4 kids plus Alana to raise but what abouþ chubbs? Anyone but June. She too shady as it is.

    1. your right june signed away her rights for boo boo to pumpkin and now she wants to be a mother to her granddaughter I hope the judge denies her

  2. June didn’t raise her own children and she is anything but stable. she should honor Anna’s last wishes or one of the other daughters that have no child should finish raising her. either one would be more appropriate than June. June is too self absorbed, selfish person.

  3. I watched the episode. Anna did say she wanted Elderidge to take Kaitlyn but he honestly didn’t seem too keen on the idea. He was questioning what to do if she had questions about her first period and stuff like that, Anna said then go to Mama. But never said that she wanted June to take custody of her. I hope June doesn’t get her. Keep her together with her sister. Micheal is willing to take her to keep the girls together. June is not fit to be a guardian. Justin seems to do everything for June, what if they break up? Not to mention all the other reasons why she shouldn’t have her.

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