‘AGT’ Loren Allred Stuns With Angelic Familiar Voice: Who Is She?

AGT Loren Feature

When Loren Allred took the stage at America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Her angelic voice sent shockwaves through both the audience and the judge’s table. Surprisingly, her incredible voice is extremely familiar to many despite both her name and her face being unfamiliar.

What did the judges have to say about this truly impressive voice? Furthermore, who is she and why are her vocals so familiar? Keep reading for the details. And, scroll down to listen to her beautiful performance.

Who Is She?

Loren Allred is the name of a 34-year-old singer with a platinum-selling song that landed her on the Billboard Got 100. She’s the vocals for “Never Enough” in the Disney musical The Great Showman. Sadly, Loren Allred isn’t a name or face most people recognize. “Never Enough” was lip-synced by the actress. So, Loren Allred went years listening to people tell her she sounded just like the actress in the movie. Sadly, no one knew it was her behind the vocals.

Part of Judge Simon Cowell’s Dream Team, Brooklyn-based singer Loren Allred - YouTube
Part of Judge Simon Cowell’s Dream Team, Brooklyn-based singer Loren Allred – YouTube

Deciding to step out of the shadows, Loren Allred took the stage of Britain’s Got Talent for Season 15. She was a finalist during her season on the show. Simon Cowell and the other judges were in awe of what she brought to the table.

Loren Allred’s Performance Stuns Judges

At the age of 34, Loren believed she was running out of time to make her move into the spotlight. She realized she had to stop being comfortable singing from the shadows and take the stage. So, she did. She twisted “Never Enough” and presented the judges with a new version. A version that allowed her to test her vocal limitations. She did not disappoint. Despite being on Simon’s team, even Simon looked too stunned to speak as he watched her perform on the stage.

Part of Judge Simon Cowell’s Dream Team, Brooklyn-based singer Loren Allred - YouTube
Part of Judge Simon Cowell’s Dream Team, Brooklyn-based singer Loren Allred – YouTube

When it was Mel B’s turn to speak, she didn’t have much to say. She admitted the performance was so spectacular that it left her too stunned to speak. Both Howie and Heidi agreed her vocals were impressive. Heidi added she felt so lucky to get to witness the performance firsthand.

As Loren performed, even the faces of the audience looked stunned and on the edge of tears. When she told her story, however, many members of the audience were moved to tears.

Part of Judge Simon Cowell’s Dream Team, Brooklyn-based singer Loren Allred - YouTube
Part of Judge Simon Cowell’s Dream Team, Brooklyn-based singer Loren Allred – YouTube

AGT: Watch Loren Allred Perform

This nine-minute video features both Simon Cowell and Loren Allred telling her story to the world. It includes her incredible performance. And, it features what the judges have to say after she sings. Check it out:

Did you know Loren Allred was the actual singer of “Never Enough” in The Greatest Showman? Were you as stunned and speechless as the judges? Let us know in the comments below. And, keep coming back for more news and updates on your favorite TV shows.

Allie Johnson

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