Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird Banned For Bad Business?

Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Efird-YouTube

Has Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird been banned for bad business? Fans and followers have long been calling her out for scamming customers. She also sells cheap garments for a higher profit as well as alleged name-brand products. Yet, openly admits customers will receive knockoffs. So, what is currently going on with her business, and what is her struggle? Read on for more details.

Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird Banned For Bad Business?

For a very long time, Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird has been hustling on social media. She promotes and sells different products on her livestreams while fans chime in with what they want. Recently, she was called out for selling STANLEY tumblers for $40. However, when a fan asked if they were real or fake, another shared they were knock-offs, based on Pumpkin’s own admission. As soon as she was called out, Pumpkin blurred out the STANLEY logo. She and her sisters even have their own company, The Sisters Closet, over on Facebook.

The Sisters Closet-Facebook
The Sisters Closet-Facebook

They make and sell everything from shirts and tumblers to Freshies and more. The girls caught heat for making memorial freshies in honor of their late sister, Anna Cardwell. Now, Pumpkin is in hot water as she has allegedly been banned for bad business. A Reddit thread was started to explain everything that went down. The OP wrote this:

  • Pumpkin lost an account? Tonight, she said she already lost an account she previously posted to, so she is only selling certain stuff on live, so it doesn’t happen again. Anyone know what she’s talking about? Is it the FB account?

Of course, Redditors were not exactly sure what she meant as they had not seen a TSC TikTok just yet. Immediately, followers chimed in with their thoughts on what she meant and what could have caused this:

  • I hope she gets shut down for selling dupe Stanley cups.
  • On her “business” FB page she wrote “💕I am banned from our other TikTok at the moment from going live so we will be doing this on my verified page. I’ll link it below. 💕”
  • Probably for showing Anna’s ashes. Im sure she got reported so much for that
  • TikTok has been notorious for banning/suspending business accounts

It’s Up In The Air

Right now, it seems no one is completely clear why Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird got banned or where exactly she was banned from. However, this could just be a clever tactic to unload products she does not care about or that won’t affect her business. In any case, many have been questioning who would buy stuff from the family. More so, if anyone pops into one of their lives, they are actively selling their merch to a wide audience. Clearly, there is no stopping Pumpkin from her hustle, not even a lost account.

Why do you think she lost an account? Were there complaints about the fake stuff she was selling or is there more to it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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