Michael Cardwell Shares Quality Time With Anna’s Daughter, Kaitlyn

Anna Cardwell Instagram

Michael Cardwell is not the biological dad of Kaitlyn, (11), the daughter of the late Anna Cardwell, but he caught up with the girl a few days ago. However, he was her stepfather when he and Anna were married. Kaitlyn was already born when their baby Kylee came along, and the two girls were raised as sisters. Michael often saw both of them and now he has to fight June Shannon for custody of Kaitlyn.

Two Father Figures For Kaitlyn – Michael Cardwell & Eldridge Toney

Anna Cardwell died and suddenly, June Shannon has custody of her oldest daughter. If you don’t know, Anna and her mom didn’t get along. In fact, she preferred living with her grandmother. It’s only recently that she appeared back in the family, and since then, she passed away from stage 4 cancer. Her journey with cancer will feature in the Mama June: Family Crisis series.

June Shannon, Geno Doak On The Way To Rehab - Mama June - YouTube
June Shannon, Geno Doak On The Way To Rehab – Mama June – YouTube

Mama June Fans seem to all agree that June Shannon is hardly the best parent in the world. Recall, that she abandoned her minor child, Alana Thompson, who ended up living with her big sister Lauryn Efird. Then, WeTV fans saw Jessica, another daughter complaining that her mom stiffed her out of a car when she went on a drug binge with Geno Doak. So, fans wonder why June rather than Michael Cardell or Anna’s husband, Eldridge Toney didn’t get custody of Kaitlyn.

Mama June Fans see Michael with Kaitlyn

June Shannon went to Disney with Anna Cardwell’s ashes and along went Kaitlyn. On her return, the Mama June star immediately took up her custody fight for Kaitlyn. WeTV Fans were sad to hear that Michael lost the first round in his case, and she now has temporary custody per E! News. It seems that the reality TV star got temporary custody because her daughter lived with her for a month before her death.

After Christmas, Kaitlyn got to spend time with Michael Cardwell, which made WeTV fans feel happy. Some photos made their way to Reddit, and the OP noted;

Kaitlyn and Michael today. London his fiancé said she was extremely excited to see her sister.

Michael Cardwell, Eldridge Toney, Kaitlyn - Via Reddit
Michael Cardwell, Eldridge Toney, Kaitlyn – Via Reddit

In the comments, people who feel sad that Anna Cardwell didn’t seem to make proper provisions for her children to stay together, had a lot to say:

  • I pray Micheal gets custody of Kaitlyn. She needs a loving stable home. Those are the Lego sets Anna talked about on TikTok live. She said her & Michael were going in together to buy the girls Christmas [gifts and] she mentioned Legos. She also said the girls would be spending Christmas with Michael that it was his year & they rotated holidays…
  • This makes me emotional, sweet girl. How your little heart must be hurting behind those smiles. ❤️ I truly hope Michael will gain custody.
  • Now this is the kind of parenting this child needs and deserves…not a combo lunatic asylum/narcissist convention/Temu outlet!!
  • I thought how awesome 2 men who aren’t even Kaitlyn’s bio Father coming together for the best interest of the girls. Anna chose 2 good men to be a part of her & the girls lives. June has managed to try & destroy it. So many prayers going up for Michael to get custody of Kaitlyn.

What are your thoughts about Michael Cardwell getting to spend time with Kaitlyn? Are you glad that she caught up with her sister, Kylee? Do you hope that June Shannon loses her custody fight? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Mama June news. 

James Michael

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