Discovery Teases Stunning New Details In ‘Yeti Massacre’

Courtesy of Discovery. A photo is shown in a possible Yeti attack in Yeti Massacre.

In a ghoulishly brutal new documentary, Discovery presents brand new evidence of the Dyatlov Pass Incident in Yeti Massacre.

With Halloween just around the corner, now is the perfect time to dive back into a mystery that has stumped historians for over 60 years. For centuries, humans have been fascinated by the possibility of the existence of large ape-like creatures wandering around the wilderness. Whether you call it Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman, or even the Yeti, these creatures have quite the reputation. Many TV shows are even dedicated to attempting to prove their existence. But with little verifiable proof, these creatures have remained mythical.

But according to a new documentary from Discovery, researchers may have finally found all the proof they need. In Yeti Massacre, investigators reopen a decades-old case as they take a closer look into the possible existence of a bloodthirsty and relentless predator.

Finding The Truth Behind The Alleged Yeti Massacre

In 1959, nine experienced Soviet hikers died in the northern Ural Mountains between February 1 and 2, 1959, under strange and mysterious circumstances. Many of their bodies were mutilated and reminiscent of a grisly murder. It took a team of rescuers months to finally recover each of the nine hikers. The Dyatlov Pass Incident is named after the group’s leader, 23-year-old Igor Dyatlov. Shortly after news of the incident broke, theories about what happened to the hikers ranged from a psychotic break to a military cover-up.

But one theory has persisted the most in the 64 years since the incident.

In Yeti Massacre, investigators will once again attempt to determine if a Yeti attack was the exact cause of the Dyatlov Pass Incident. “They were killed by a force which could not be human,” states one investigator. “Her heart literally exploded.”

“There’s only one rational explanation,” teases another investigator. “A Russian killer Yeti.”

The documentary promises to dive into the possible origins of the Yeti. It will explore whether or not the creature has ancient roots or ties to experimental labs. The show will also explain the Yeti’s ties to Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler and their desire to secure an unstoppable soldier.

Getting To The Bottom Of Bigfoot

Earlier this year, Discovery Australia teased the Yeti Massacre with a short video available on YouTube. The video quickly explains the details of the incident and sets up the documentary’s themes and possible theories.

Will the new evidence help prove the existence of the Yeti? One user on Reddit remains skeptical of the documentary’s ability to find anything concrete. “No one knows for sure why they died, but it looks like they will be keying on that picture they took that a few people say is a Yeti. But the majority of people believe it is just a picture of one of the hikers,” the user writes.

Another user believes that regardless of the outcome, the Dyatlov Pass Incident will always be nightmare fuel. “This has to be one of the scariest incidents in human history.”

Yeti Massacre will debut tonight at 9:00 PM on Discovery. Will you be tuning in? Or is the existence of the Yeti too far-fetched for you to believe?  Let us know what you think down below in the comments section.

Allie Johnson


  1. Just because you don’t see it does not mean that does not exist. I say, prove to me they don’t exist. I have seen my own evidence that they do. Another example is the ocean, we find things in there all the time we did not know about or thought were extinct. get out there and look, you will not find anything sitting and playing on your phone.

    1. You could never prove something DOESN’T exist; your logic is seriously flawed. Nope, the burden is on you to prove something EXISTS, since the opposite could never be proved.

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