TLC’s Tammy Slaton To Join Workforce As Pounds Melt Away?

Tammy Slaton from 1000-Lb Sisters, TLC

Is Tammy Slaton going to start working now that her health is in a better place? Some fans certainly seem to think so.

Since Tammy completed rehab and received bariatric surgery, she’s started a brand new chapter of life. As revealed in Instagram posts, she and Amy frequently go on outings together. On top of that, Tammy can walk on her own without assistance and rarely uses oxygen these days.

Choosing to enter the workforce would be a major step for the TLC star. But is she ready?

Could Tammy Slaton work if she wanted to?

Right now, 1000-Lb Sisters fans are waiting to hear news of Season 5. But in the meantime, the cast members are going about their everyday lives.

Tammy Slaton is in the best shape of her life. These days, she can comfortably move around and live a relatively normal life. But is she ready to have a job?

Tammy Slaton from Instagram 1000-Lb Sisters, TLC
Tammy Slaton/Instagram

Many of her siblings, including Chris and Amanda, have regular jobs in addition to their roles on 1000-Lb Sisters. Recently, Redditors discussed the possibility of Tammy entering the workforce.

“Tammy getting a job?” one Redditor wrote on the platform this week. “I am in no way trying to come off as cruel, rude or make it my business. But I am curious as to what Tammy will do after all the weight is off/she has skin removal surgery (resulting in more weight loss).”

The OP went on to wonder if Tammy would consider going to school or going straight to the workforce. Now that she’s in much better shape, it seems totally plausible.

“I’m just curious as to how Tammy is gonna live and support herself because I really don’t see TLC paying Tammy a whole lot (even if it’s a high grossing show) to support herself,” they continued. “And it’s not unheard of to know a reality tv star has a day job. Time will tell I guess.”

Redditors react to the idea

Although many agreed that it probably was possible at this point, with Tammy’s current setup she might not have much reason to search for a job. After all, she does have plenty of revenue streams without a full-time occupation.

“Between disability, what she gets from TLC, YouTube and Instagram I’d say she’s making enough to live fairly decently without working,” another Redditor replied. Many users agreed, but a few pointed out that Tammy frequently surprises her fans.


♬ Spoiled! – Sabby Sousa

“You know what, Tammy has surprised me more than anyone else ever. In a positive way. I honestly thought she would die before losing weight. I wouldn’t put anything past her,” someone else added. It took the TLC star four seasons to meet her weight goals, but she finally did achieve them.


Do you think Tammy Slaton will be able to hold down a full-time job? Be sure to leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Check back soon for more news and updates on the 1000-Lb Sisters cast.

Nikole Behrens
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One Comment

  1. Tammy can shovel food into her maw, she can certainly sit on her bed and work from home. There are many companies that offer WFH in customer support – jTV is just ONE. Apple. Airlines. There are many companies she could work for. I don’t think she’s trainable however. These jobs require moderate computer skills. And IF she gets off the dole, then she will be responsible for her OWN health insurance. And none of those jobs pay that kind of money. They MAY offer employer-paid healthcare, but the policies won’t cover the hundreds of thousands of dollars of care she will continue to require.

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