‘Live’ Mark Consuelos Has Freaky Mix Up With Al Roker

Al Roker and Mark Consuelos - YouTube

Live With Kelly And Mark host, Mark Consuelos usually is fairly easygoing. But during a recent episode, he reveals a freaky mix-up with The Today Show weatherman Al Roker that got a rise out of him.

Mark Consuelos Has A Moment Of Distrust

During the Tuesday, February 3, episode of Live With Kelly And Mark, host, Mark Consuelos had a funny recollection of a strange cross with Al Roker. Early in Mark and Kelly Ripa’s relationship, they had a curious mix-up with The Today Show’s Al Roker. At first, it created a little marital distrust Kelly wasn’t expecting.

Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos -Live
Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos –Live

Mark Consuelos Has Freaky Mix Up With Al Roker

In the episode, Live With Kelly And Mark host, Kelly Ripa reveals that a technical difficulty made Mark Consuelos question her loyalty. At that time, every once in a while, Kelly and Mark’s phone carrier would experience a glitch that would swap their texts. Since they had the same phone company, their iPhones would do odd things. Unmistakably, it caused an alarming situation to unfold for Mark unexpectedly.

Kelly Ripa - Live
Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos – Live

Furthermore, Mark Consuelos recalls seeing the full text pop up on his screen. He remembers the text saying, “Hey sweetie, when can we have dinner? Love, Al.” However, Kelly objects to the “Hey sweetie” part. She claims it was Mark adding his “own twist” to the message. She didn’t make light of the intense moment but knew it was hilarious now. Although Mark could laugh in retrospect, he said that at the time he wasn’t as easygoing about it. He added, “She gets back into bed and I go, ‘Who the blank is Al!?'”

Who’s Al?

But Live With Kelly And Mark host, Kelly Ripa was quick to set the record straight and ease her husband’s mind. Kelly quickly explains, “Al Roker, our new best friend!” Mark Consuelos backs down and realizes, “Of course, Al, of course.” They both remember laughing a lot after the incident was sorted out. Although they never had the “couples date” they think it could still be promising for the future.

Al Roker | YouTube
Al Roker – YouTube

After talking sports, they revisited the idea of catching up with their good friend Al. They even noted they would go to “his neck of the woods” playing off Al’s Today Show traditional sign-off. Additionally, Mark had admittedly goofed up when filling in as a weatherman at one point and used Al saying, from the competition network. At the end of the segment, Kelly jokes referring to Al, “He’s my lover.” But Mark could appreciate that title now and added, “I condone that.”

What do you think about Mark Consuelos, Kelly Ripa, and Al Roker’s freaky mix-up? Are you enjoying Kelly and Mark’s stories on Live With Kelly And Mark? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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