‘Deadliest Catch’ Fans Worried About Jake Anderson’s Health

Jake Anderson in Deadliest Catch | YouTube

Fans of reality TV shows take a keen interest in the show’s stars. They enjoy following them, even when they are not appearing on the show and during the offseasons. However, this also leads to some confusion that often results in false news stories circulating when overexcited fans make mistakes. This happened with Jake Anderson from Deadliest Catch.

Here is what happened and what the fans really meant when asking the concerning question.

Did Something Happen To Jake Anderson From Deadliest Catch?

Jake Anderson has had a tough time recently. He lost his vessel just as fishing season was starting. Jake captained the F/V Saga, and he knew that bills were getting behind. However, he also knew that fishing season would be a great pull, and he could be able to get everything caught up.

Jake Anderson - Deadliest Catch - Discovery Channel - Twitter
Jake Anderson – Deadliest Catch – Discovery Channel – Twitter

However, right as fishing season was beginning, he got a call that his boat was chained up and no one could get on board. Thanks to his partners defaulting on the loans, Jake found his boat repossessed, and he was out of a job. Jake rejoined Sig Hansen’s crew and returned to work for his old friend.

This was bad, but there are some fans who confusingly thought that Jake ended up in a coma. In a Reddit thread, the OP said that they “read somewhere that he was in a coma at some point last year. I’ve tried looking online but can’t find the article again, does anyone know if it’s true or updates on how he is now.”

This seems scary, but it turns out the OP was confused when it comes to Deadliest Catch.

Jake Harris Was In A Coma

Former Captain Jake Anderson had a lot of bad luck, but he was never in a coma. This was pointed out by Redditors in the comments, where one of them realized the OP was confusing him with another Deadliest Catch cast member.

Captain Jake Anderson [Discovery UK | YouTube]
[Discovery UK | YouTube]
“Jake Harris was in a coma a few years back,” one commenter said. “Maybe that is what you’re thinking about. He was severely beaten and left for dead.”

Jake Harris is the son of Captain Phil Harris, the owner of the crab fishing vessel known as the Cornelia Marie. In 2019, someone jumped Jake and delivered a severe beating. Jake’s brother Josh said that he had a “cracked skull” and brain trauma. Josh also said Jake was thrown out of a moving vehicle after the beating (via Fox News).

However, another Redditor said that was wrong as well. Jake was never in a coma and recovered from the beating. Instead, it was Jake’s father, Captain Phil Harris, who suffered a stroke and ended up in a coma in 2010. Phil died just 11 days later.

Are you a fan of Deadliest Catch? Who has been your favorite captain throughout the years? Let us know in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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