‘Mama June’ Honey Boo Boo Finally Posts After Long Absence

Alana Thompson Instagram

Mama June star, Honey Boo Boo, has finally posted after a long absence from social media. Alana Thompson is known as Honey Boo Boo. However, she took a break from posting on social media for a while. Fans were wondering where she had gone. However, she has posted after this long break. Keep reading to find out more about this.

The Family Goes Through A Hard Time

Mama June and her family have been going through a hard time. Anna Cardwell passed away last year. However, they have been keeping her memory alive. June even carries her large urn of ashes around with her everywhere she goes. She also continues to text her and she will not delete her number. The holidays must have been a hard time for them while they were missing their daughter, mother, and sister. Alana Thompson hasn’t posted on social media for a while. Fans were curious as to why she hadn’t been active. However, she has finally posted again.

Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson-YouTube
Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson-YouTube

Honey Boo Boo Finally Posts Again After Absence

Honey Boo Boo has posted after an absence from social media. She has an LTK, Like To Know It, and revealed that she is going to be posting there.

I’ve been a little MIA, but I’m back! The holidays were crazy, but I’m ready to kick off the new year on track. Don’t forget to follow my LTK shop for all my 2025 posts and to browse everything I shared in 2024.

She then shared another picture promoting her LTK again. Fans are excited to see what she is going to post on this. This is somewhere you can shop exactly what the creator has. They attach links and allow you to match them by buying the same accessories, clothes, makeup, etc. Fans have been sending their love to the family and love seeing updates from them. Alana’s presence was missed on social media and fans are happy to see her updates again.

Alana Thompson Instagram Story

It seems as though Honey Boo Boo just needed to take a break from social media. The holidays were more than likely hard for her and her family due to her sister’s passing last year. However, she is now back and going to be posting again. Fans know that a break from social media is needed sometimes. So, no one blames her for going MIA. What do you think about her absence and most recent post? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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