‘7 Little Johnstons’ Fans Confront Trent Over Anna Estrangement

7 Little Johnstons: Trent Johnston

7 Little Johnstons fans recently confronted Trent Johnston online over everything that has been going on behind the scenes with the Anna Johnston feud. What happened with this recent situation, and what did viewers have to say?

7 Little Johnstons: Fans Have Been Calling Out Family Feud With Anna Johnston

Even though 7 Little Johnstons has been off the air since Season 14 wrapped on TLC, there has been more drama going on away from the cameras than anything TLC filmed last season. For fans who have been keeping up with everything going on, that drama surrounds the family feud between Anna Johnston and the rest of her family.

There have been countless clues making the rounds that prove that things are in a bad place between Anna and the rest of her family. One recent example was Liz Johnston claiming that Anna ditched Leighton Bolden’s first birthday bash. However, Anna claimed that she never got an invite, otherwise, according to her, she would have shown up.

7 Little Johnstons: Anna Johnston
7 Little Johnstons: Anna Johnston/YouTube

Trent Johnston Shares Recent Update With Leighton Bolden

Based on the latest updates from Trent Johnston, he shared a touching update with his granddaughter, Leighton Bolden. As much as there was a lot of drama surrounding Liz Johnston’s pregnancy, it’s no secret that Trent and Amber are happy that they are now grandparents.

However, with all of the drama that has been making the rounds surrounding the feud between Anna Johnston and the rest of her relatives, 7 Little Johnstons fans are often hijacking posts online with questions about Anna and everything that has gone on behind the scenes. This was the case recently on Trent’s update with Leighton, too.


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7 Little Johnstons Fans Confront Trent About Anna

As 7 Little Johnstons fans have done on Liz Johnston’s updates, Emma Johnston’s updates, and more, commenters recently called out Trent Johnston over all of the drama that has been going down with Anna, and many commenters did not hold back.

7 Little Johnstons: Trent Johnston
7 Little Johnstons: Trent Johnston/YouTube
  • One commenter said: “Repair your relationship with Anna!”
  • Another commenter said: “Exactly. Seems they’re okay with their kid getting pregnant out of wedlock, and shacking up with a boy, but disown their other child for dating a boy of a different race. And to top it off, Anna has gotten her education, purchased a home, and doing quite well for herself. But they offer her no praises.”
  • More than a few commenters agree with this sentiment, with another person saying: “agreed! It’s such bulls***.”

With everything going on behind the scenes, 7 Little Johnstons fans are clearly getting frustrated with the lack of clarification, and many are clearly persistent enough to keep prodding until they get a straight answer. Not surprisingly, Trent did not address any of these fan comments directly.

For all the latest 7 Little Johnstons news, come back again to TV Shows Ace for more.

Evan Morgan


  1. Look, it’s not like these people are ever going to come out and just admit that they favor their biological daughter over their adopted daughter. Not only would it essentially destroy their “brand” it’s actually possible that it’s not even something they’re willing to admit to themselves. It would require a great deal of self awareness on the part of these parents something I don’t think either of them possess, because if they did they’d realize that it’s no coincidence that only 1 of their older children has been able to leave home and successfully live independently from them, which is likely part of the reason for the family rift.

    Anna’s refusal to be infantalized by her parents who seem to want to control the lives of all their children is being punished in the only way possible. She’s financially independent from them and doesn’t need to depend on them so instead they’re withholding their approval and access to the family. It’s likely they initially thought this would bring her to heel and when it didn’t they had no choice but to double down or be forced to admit to their disturbing and frankly disgusting behavior.

    As someone who had an incredibly unhealthy relationship with 1 of my parents most of my life and was forced by that parent to choose between them and my husband I can tell you that as sad as it is sometimes the only to survive a toxic parent(s) is to remove them from your life. It’s only in the last 4 years that I’ve renewed my relationship with that parent after a 16 year estrangement. Now our relationship is much better but I have very clear boundaries that are non-negotiable and we’ve learned to respect each other.

    Perhaps one day Anna will get to a place like this with her family but until they can show her respect I hope for her sake that she continues to keep her distance.

  2. We are so sorry to hear of your health condition Mr. Johnston. May the Lord wrap his arms around you and your family, giving you all strength. Amen.
    We ask this in his name.
    We have been fans of your show since the first show.
    We love your parenting style. More kids need to brought up this way today.
    We would have less crime and more successful kids.
    Please don’t let all this nonsense get to you.
    God Bless you!

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