Savannah Chrisley Goes Off On Mom Julie’s Prosecutor

Savannah Chrisley on her Unlocked podcast

Savannah Chrisley, along with her brother Chase and the family’s attorney Alex Little, addressed cameras outside the courthouse on Wednesday following Julie Chrisley’s resentencing hearing. In her statement, Savannah alleged that the prosecution was “uneducated.” The family is going to continue to try and fight the court in regard to her parents’s sentences. Here is what she had to say.

Chrisley’s Family Attorney ‘Incredibly Disappointed’

For his part, the Chrisley family’s attorney Alex Little said that they were incredibly disappointed in the court’s decision. A judge chose to uphold Julie Chrisley’s original seven-year sentence, stating that it was sufficient for the crimes committed.

The family’s attorney went on to explain the situation to reporters outside. Julie’s sentence was vacated in June due to insufficient evidence. However, Alex Little exclaimed that the court didn’t “give her a day of credit.”

“When you talk about the public confidence in the court, it is a concerning result,” he said. “We’re also incredibly disappointed in the personal attacks on family members. That’s just uncalled for. We’re evaluating our options on how to move forward and appreciate everybody’s support.”

Savannah Chrisley outside of Atlanta courthouse (1)
YouTube/Entertainment Tonight

One reporter asked about what personal attacks he was referring to. Savannah Chrisley piped up, stating that “she was looking right at me.” Alex Little said that there were inferences made that Chloe Chrisley, who is in Savannah’s care, is not being treated well and being lied to.

“I’ve never seen a judge attack family members in a courtroom like that,” he said. Savannah interjected, “To say that it is for TV ratings or podcast ratings is laughable because both of my parents are sitting in federal prison. So, this has nothing to do with ratings.”

The Chrisley Knows Best star also questioned whether or not the judge had done her homework. Apparently, she alleged that Savannah was spouting lies online and Savannah asked what steps she had taken to verify the claims she made. She went on a bit of a rant about how she’s been looking into the conditions in the prisons in the United States.

Savannah Chrisley Says Prosecution Is ‘Uneducated’

Then, a reporter asked her if she felt like the judge was preaching to her during the resentencing hearing. “Yeah, she was looking directly at me,” Savannah said with a smug smile as Alex Little could be heard saying that was “objectively what was happening.”

He continued, stating that there was nothing wrong with telling Chloe and Grayson that Julie Chrisley could be coming home sooner. As a member of the public, the attorney says, the court’s decision simply doesn’t pass “the smell test.”

Savannah Chrisley outside of Atlanta courthouse
YouTube/Entertainment Tonight

Addressing Savannah Chrisley again, one reporter asked if she felt like there was an injustice. She said, absolutely and went on to say it was clear that the prosecution was “uneducated.” Then, she reiterated that she would continue to fight for her parents and “be as long as I can possibly be.”

Fans took to Reddit to discuss Savannah’s reaction to her mom’s resentencing. One person wrote, “Sassy is mad! Calling the prosecutor uneducated.” Others chimed in with their thoughts in the comments.

  • “She’s the uneducated one,” one person wrote.
  • Another person commented, “She said she would be appealing the sentence again. Julie was sentenced WELL below the guidelines. The focus needs to be on serving the rest of her sentence and trying to get early release based on good behavior.”
  • A third Reddit user said, “Wow, she is so delusional.”

Savannah Chrisley mentioned during her discussion with reporters that she fully intends to continue to pursue the appeals process until her parents are home.

Listen to Savannah’s entire statement below.

Amanda Blankenship

One Comment

  1. I loved the Chrissly knows best show as I did The Whole Family. But Look Why Cant they just pay off their back taxes , make good on their outstanding loans pay a fine and be done withit. Neither of them need to be Locked Away In Any Damm Jail.
    They Are Not A Danger To Society In Any Way. May GOD Bless This Whole Family With The Strength To Get Through This Injustice…

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