Ellen DeGeneres Talks Being Bashed On Netflix Special

Ellen DeGeneres | YouTube

Ellen DeGeneres talks about being bashed on her Netflix special. The well-known talk show host discusses how she felt with everyone throwing out negative opinions about her. Additionally, she discusses how life is going now.

Ellen DeGeneres Grillings

Ellen DeGeneres is a talk show host, known for The Ellen Show. She has had many celebrities such as Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and Kamala Harris on her show. The show had 19 seasons and aired from 2003-2022. Some people argued that Ellen went too far for her information.

The show did have many fun elements like games and surprise appearances. However, the show had many toxic workplace allegations against it which led to its end in May 2022. The first reports on the allegations were released by BuzzFeed News In July 2020.

At first, it seemed like just employees were making claims about Ellen’s mistreatment of them as she seemed to create a toxic workspace. Furthermore, celebrities began making statements against the comedian.

Ellen DeGeneres | YouTube
Ellen DeGeneres | YouTube

Despite this, other celebrities reportedly stood behind Ellen like Katy Perry and Scooter Braun. However, the claims took a huge toll on Ellen and her show. Now, she has spoken more on the subject in her Netflix special.

Ellen Tells All

The Netflix special: Ellen DeGeneres: For Your Approval just released on Tuesday, September 24th. Marking a little over two years after the conclusion of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the famous talk show host discusses the effect the allegations had on her and her mental health.

One remark the host made about her current lifestyle was, “I’m happy not being a boss or a brand or a billboard, just a person. In addition, she continued that she’s, “just a multifaceted person with different feelings and emotions, and I can be happy and sad and compassionate or frustrated.”

Then, she went on to further discuss who she is in a mental capacity. She noted, “I have OCD and ADD. I’m honest. I’m generous. I’m sensitive and thoughtful.” Also, she mentioned, “But I’m tough, and I’m impatient, and I’m demanding. I’m direct. I’m a strong woman.”


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The audience either supported Ellen or were paid actors as they clapped and even gave a standing ovation. Also, she responded to them that she is “proud of who I’ve become.”

The Entertainment World

Furthermore, Ellen discussed what it’s like being a celebrity. DeGeneres explained, “When you’re a public figure, you’re open to everyone’s interpretation. And I’m sure you’ve heard that saying, ‘What other people think of me is none of my business.'”

Moreover, she went on to explain what this saying means to her, “Because people will say all kinds of things and you have no control over that. But you know the truth and that’s all that matters.” Additionally, it makes people care what others think of them.

As a comedian, this is especially true for DeGeneres and it is something she struggles with. In addition, she expressed that, “it’s our only real currency for success.”

Ellen DeGeneres | YouTube
Ellen DeGeneres | YouTube
Moreover, the comedian shared one of the biggest truths of being in entertainment. DeGeneres revealed how, “If they like you, you’re in, and if they don’t, you’re out. And I’ve spent an entire lifetime trying to make people happy and I’ve cared far too much what other people think of me.”

Finally, the star references the allegations made against her as she says, “So, the thought of anyone thinking that I’m mean was devastating to me, and it consumed me for a long time.”

Noting her new “perspective” with getting older, “after a lifetime of caring, I just can’t anymore. So I don’t. But if I’m being honest… and I have a choice of people remembering me as someone who was mean or someone who was be loved. Be-lov-ed? Beloved? Beloved. Someone who is beloved? … I choose that.”

What do you think of Ellen DeGeneres’ Netflix special? Does she even deserve to have it after her actions? Let us know what you think in the comments below and stay tuned for more here at TVShowsAce.

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