Collin Gosselin Cries As He Remembers Asking Dad To ‘Save’ Him

Collin Gosselin | YouTube

Collin Gosselin is looking at what he can do next in life since the Marine Corps discharged him. The military unit allegedly let him go because his mother, Kate Gosselin, institutionalized him as a young child. However, in a recent interview, Collin reacted emotionally when he looked back on asking his dad, Jon Gosselin, to save him from the facility.

Here is what Collin had to say about his dad’s actions.

Collin Gosselin Emotionally Thanks Dad For Saving Him

When Collin Gosselin was 11 years old, his mother, Kate Gosselin, had him admitted to a mental health facility. She then left him there for a few years. It didn’t end until Collin sent his dad a hand-written message asking him to save him. Jon Gosselin fought for his son’s freedom and won.

TLC Jon Gosselin Collin Gosselin Instagram
Jon Gosselin & Collin Gosselin | Instagram

In a new interview, Collin broke down in tears as he remembered his father saving him from the institution. He read the emotional letter that he wrote in crayons, asking his dad to save him and come to get him out of the facility (via The U.S. Sun). In that letter, Collin wrote, “You’re My Dad, My Savior. Please help me and let me meet Coleen. I’m counting on you to get me out of here. Daddy, I love you.”

“It was rough. I definitely went through it a lot as a kid from my mother’s end. So it was tough,” Collin said in the interview. He shared his medical records with the interviewer, and it showed he was diagnosed with autism, ADHD, bipolar, PTSD, oppositional defiant disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder as a child.

However, he showed the new medical records that reveal those diagnoses are no longer accurate.

Collin Remembers Asking Dad For Help

Sadly, Collin began to cry as he read the letter and described his feelings at the time concerning his mother and family.

Collin Gosselin | YouTube
Collin Gosselin | YouTube

Then, Collin read from the letter during the interview:

“So I wrote here, I wrote here, ‘Dear dad, I’m not trying to trick you, but I still love you. I told mom I want to live with you and she said no. But right, she can’t choose for me. And I’m old enough now, I’m your son, not hers. She was abusive to me after I left her house. And I’m sorry, I’m sorry, take this to court.'”

He said that his mother would often keep him away from his siblings. More so, he even accused her of using a zip tie to bind his hands and feet and then locked him in a basement with only a bed and a camera there. Collin added he would remain there alone sometimes for an entire day.

In the interview, he said Kate Gosselin noted no one would believe him if he told them what happened. Jon Gosselin has also said he believes his son. He added his friend’s in-laws bought the house and asked about the room in the basement with the bed and the lock on the outside door.

“I didn’t hear about that until Hannah told me about it, once I got custody of Hannah,” Jon shared (via U.S Sun). I think once Hannah knew she was safe and not going back to mom’s she felt she could tell me.”

What are your thoughts on the recent interview and Collin Gosselin’s emotional revelations about Kate Gosselin? Let us know in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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One Comment

  1. My Gosh – get the best attorneys money can buy – right now. This looks like a classic case of abuse — where the parent singles out one child for mistreatment – it appears in this case it occurred because this boy looked the most like his father and perhaps mirrored his personality traits. This “mother” appears to have been protected by her celebrity status and had she been anyone else she would have served jail time and perhaps have had all of the children removed. Start with suing for involuntary servitude and a percentage of what the mother was paid while the child was forced to be part of a “reality” show where his “problems” were discussed against his privacy interests. Sue Mom for every single penny she has and demand a full criminal investigation by the state police. If she tied him up in the basement just once, that is a crime. Have the attorney make full use of the discovery process and turn over all of the information to the police. File suit against Children’s Services and all of the employees — determine if there was a proper investigation and if any of them failed to report allegations of abuse. If the school reported abuse and the child was then removed from school, this is a classic red flag and state employees who permitted this to happen are certainly responsible for their failure to investigate further — there should have been site visits and they should have included an inspection of all rooms, along with having the child interviewed away from the alleged abusers. Were standards violated because of the woman’s celebrity status? File suit against the producers and the employees of the reality television show and make them provide oral depositions under penalty of perjury as to every single thing that they saw. Demand all tapes of the boy in discovery and have them reviewed by a forensic expert. Since this woman claims her son was violent, obtain any medical records that support injury to others and note whether the purported behavior occurred before or after the alleged mistreatment began – as acting out is often evidence of abuse. Ditto for the alleged emergency room decision for confinement – if there were allegations of abuse they should have reported to the police and kept the child under observation. The confining hospital’s decision to release a statement of its own defense to the detriment of the former minor child is grossly abusive and while it does not specifically address what happened it is obviously intended to support the mother’s decision to institutionalize the child. This could be a violation of HIPAA. Advertise for other “patients” of the hospital and see if any other children were abused in this way. Get cost records – how much profit did the hospital make from confining the child? Could the mother’s salary from the TV show have played into the decision to confine the child – as in the profit motive may have caused this child to suffer two years of extreme abuse. Was confinement necessary or could he have been released to a foster care situation or another parent or any environment not requiring confinement? Given his full recovery after being released was the initial confinement even reasonable? Check out all of the malpractice complaints against the facility and each individual doctor and determine if they kept records of claims of abuse and failed to report – another criminal offense. If the boy told one doctor at that place that he was abused and they failed to report, they belong in prison. Obtain all of the medical records. In addition to suing the mother for defamation, sue her for improperly releasing medical records or information about those records without consent and determine if she and her lawyer can be prosecuted for doing so. If the attorney knew she was releasing the statement – and given he supports this sort of illegal and unethical conduct, file an ethical complaint with the Pennsylvania Bar and demand an investigation into whether he was party to the release of private medical information. A good attorney will examine all of these issues and the outcome here could go a long way toward preventing the exploitation of children too young to consent to their appearance on reality television.

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