Peter Reckell Begs ‘Days Of Our Lives’ To Wake Up Bo Brady

Peter Reckell as Bo Brady/Credit: 'Days Of Our Lives YouTube

Days of Our Lives fans have been clamoring for Bo Brady to return to the show. Actor Peter Reckell has joined the chorus. Keep reading to find out what he thinks about the soap waking Bo up out of his coma.

Bo Brady Last Seen On-Screen In 2023

Bo Brady “died” in 2015 when actor Peter Reckell chose to leave the show. He originated the role in 1983 as the bad boy heartthrob who captured Hope’s heart. The actor has actually left the show multiple times. Robert Kelker-Kelly stepped into the role from 1992 until 1995, when Peter Reckell returned.

Peter Reckell as Bo Brady/Credit: 'Days Of Our Lives YouTube
Peter Reckell as Bo Brady/Credit: ‘Days Of Our Lives YouTube

In his most recent “death,” Bo succumbed to an inoperable brain tumor. However, the actor reprised the role for the second season of the DOOL spinoff Beyond Salem in 2022. He watched from the beyond as his beloved Hope (Kristian Alfonso) found herself tangled up with former flame Harris Michaels, played by General Hospital star Steve Burton.

Bo was stuck between in the afterlife and trying to figure out a way back to the living. He was successful but not in the way he imagined. Bo Brady woke up in a DiMera lab to find out that Megan Hathaway (Miranda Wilson) had saved his life and kept him in a cryogenic chamber for nearly a decade.

Her plan was for Bo to fall in love with her. The story continued on the main show. As the story reached its conclusion, Bo finally ran into Hope but didn’t remember the great love they shared and threatened to kill her at gunpoint. Just as he remembered, shots rang out and Bo was shot by their son, Shawn-Douglas Brady (Brandon Beemer.)

Bo has been in a coma ever since.

Peter Reckell Wants To Bring Back Bo Brady

Kristian Alfonso’s Hope left Salem but is slated to return later this fall to memorialize her father, Doug Williams. Fans think that would be a great time to bring Bo Brady out of his coma and Peter Reckell agrees.

He caused some confusion with soap fans by tweeting, “With any luck I will be at the studio soon…” The episodes airing later this year have already filmed and his name wasn’t among those confirmed to appear. So what gives?

One fan accused him of “teasing” his return, but he assured them he wasn’t teasing. He hasn’t been asked back yet, but he confirmed he would say yes in a heartbeat.

“To be clear, I am not teasing, I am hoping that they find a way to wake Bo up soon,so he can be with his family.

Are you listening, DOOL? Peter Reckell AND fans want Bo Brady back.

Jennifer Havener
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