Justin Timberlake’s Attorney Breaks Silence On DWI Arrest

Justin Timberlake via youtube 4

Singer Justin Timberlake is in hot water following his arrest early Tuesday in Sag Harbor. Since his arrest, neither Justin nor his wife Jessica Biel have commented on the situation. Now, his attorney finally breaks silence on the charges against Justin. Keep reading to find out more.

Justin Timberlake’s Attorney Speaks About Arrest

On Wednesday, Justin Timberlake’s attorney spoke out about the Grammy Award winner’s arrest. Justin’s attorney Edward Burke Jr. spoke to TMZ about the arrest in Sag Harbor, New York.

The attorney said, “[We] look forward to vigorously defending Mr. Timberlake against these allegations. He will have a lot to say at the appropriate time.” He went on to say, “He is currently awaiting full discovery from the DA’s office.”

By the comments, it appears Justin and his attorney believe the charges are not justifiable. After spending the night in jail and then being arraigned on Tuesday morning, Justin left the courthouse with Edward Burke Jr.

Justin Timberlake-YouTube
Justin Timberlake-YouTube

Justin has been ordered to appear in court on July 26. Currently, Timberlake has a concert scheduled for July 26 and 27 in Poland to kick off the European portion of his tour.

So far there has been nothing said about whether or not the shows will be postponed. Right now Justin will continue to perform his concerts as scheduled stateside beginning with Chicago on Friday night.


Why He Was Pulled Over

Police in Sag Harbor pulled over Justin Timberlake after he drove through a stop sign. He also was reportedly not staying in the correct lane of traffic. When officers pulled him over he said he was following friends home after spending time at the American Hotel. He told police he had only consumed one martini.

However, officers reported his eyes to be bloodshot and glassy, his speech reportedly slowed and he smelled strongly of alcohol. Justin proceeded to fail field sobriety tests and refused a breathalyzer. Officers placed him under arrest and booked him into the local jail.

Justin’s wife Jessica Biel was not with him at that time. She has been in New York City filming her new Prime Video series. She is reportedly not happy with the recent events and negativity placed on her family. However, she continues to remain focused on work and devoted to her husband.

What do you think about Justin’s arrest in Sag Harbor? Do you think he will be successful in fighting the allegations against him?

Stay tuned for all the latest updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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