Jon Gosselin Warns Alec Baldwin Against Reality TV Life

Jon Gosselin interview with ET and Alec Baldwin interview with Conan O'Brien both sourced from YouTube

The life of a reality television star can be incredibly difficult. No one knows that better than former TLC star Jon Gosselin.

As viewers remember, he and his ex-wife Kate Gosselin starred on Jon & Kate Plus 8 with their twins and sextuplets. Over the years, the family completely broke apart. Now that the children are adults, it seems they’ve all taken sides in their parents’ messy split.

Jon Gosselin would hate to see that happen to anyone else. Now, he’s giving a dire warning to Alec Baldwin and his family. Read on and see what he had to say.

Jon Gosselin Doesn’t Think Any Good Can Come From This Show

Recently, news broke that Alec Baldwin and his family would get their very own reality show. Right away, people had mixed feelings. Jon Gosselin was among them.

“My advice to Alec is to run the other way. Enjoy your career and your family. And, enjoy your life with your kids. We’re all not getting any younger,” Jon Gosselin shared with Fox News.

Alec Baldwin interview with Conan O'Brien, sourced from YouTube

Jon went onto say that he didn’t care for the manufactured elements of reality TV life. The show centered around their real life, but there was always added conflict when it wasn’t necessary.

“Now you’re going to bring drama because photographers are going to show up because they’re going to try to catch you in that act. Why would you invite drama into your household when all you’ve been trying to do is live, you know, a private life, and then you’re a paid actor,” the father of eight continued.

Overall, Jon Gosselin seemed concerned for Alec Baldwin’s family life, especially his young children.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to put your family on television, especially your children. You’re a successful actor. You’re already scrutinized for certain things, and now you’re going to put seven children into the public eye,” Jon said. “So pretty much you’ve already created this, this massive amount of wealth to protect your family, and now you want to make them public as well? It makes no sense.”

There’s Still Plenty of Fallout From The Rust Shooting

Jon Gosselin thinks it’s also incredibly odd for Alec Baldwin and his family to start a reality TV show with the ongoing Rust shooting situation. Baldwin is set to go on trial next month for involuntary manslaughter over the 2021 shooting of the film’s cinematographer, Halyna Hutchins.

Without a doubt, that has been a wildly stressful situation for the Baldwin family to navigate over the past three years. Jon Gosselin doesn’t believe any good can come from inviting television cameras into their lives.

What do you make of the situation? Should Alec Baldwin and his family rethink their reality TV plans? Will you tune in and see the show when it comes out? Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

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