A-Lister Lawyers Up In Connection To Matthew Perry’s Death

Matthew Perry-YouTube

An A-Lister has lawyered up in connection to Matthew Perry’s untimely death which occurred in October 2023. The FRIENDS star’s cause of death was determined to be “acute effects of ketamine.” Additional factors included “drowning, coronary artery disease and buprenorphine effects.” Now, there is someone who may have more information regarding the case. Keep reading for further details.

A-Lister Lawyers Up In Connection To Matthew Perry’s Death

It was a shock when Matthew Perry passed away in October 2023. It appeared that he was on a much better path, having just released a highly successful memoir. Plus, the FRIENDS reunion was a smash hit and the cast was able to get together and recall their best and worst moments. Fans of the show were in awe, just having their six best friends in front of them, all together again. Little did everyone know that Matthew would take a turn, leaving his co-stars and fans in mourning.

Matthew Perry/YouTube
Matthew Perry-YouTube

Now, less than a year after he tragically passed away in his hot tub, more questions are being asked. According to In Touch Weekly, an A-Lister may hold some clues or even answers to this horrific incident. The LAPD has launched a criminal investigation into Matthew’s passing. They have done so with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Additionally, an unnamed woman has been questioned and now, has had to turn over a laptop and an iPhone. She has a sober living residence and there was a search warrant brought about.

Matthew Perry-YouTube
Matthew Perry-YouTube

However, she was not there when police arrived but when they could get to her, an insider shared “she was completely cooperative.” As of now, her identity is being kept under wraps because this is a fragile situation. Matthew Perry and the woman allegedly met in rehab, per the insider, and became friends. More so, she is sober and is adamant that she would never harm Matthew. Yet, she has to do what any smart person in this situation would do:

“She’s hired lawyers and has had multiple meetings with law enforcement since they arrived at her sober living house with a search warrant. She’s being tight-lipped about the situation. But the investigators must have known something to get a warrant and turn up like that. It’s tough to say or know exactly what her role is [in Matthew’s death], but she’s adamant she had nothing to do with that.”

Who Else Does She Know?

Though she is allegedly a celebrity in her own right, it also seems that she is married to fame. It has been noted that she is married to an A-Lister though their name remains undisclosed, as well. However, it was noted that Matthew Perry and the wife were very much there for each other:

“They leaned on each other. She’s been an emotional wreck. This could send her over the edge, whether she’s involved or not.”

Both are apparently in the public eye and are struggling with what is going on. They may not have anything to do with it but having to deal with the extra interrogations cannot be easy after losing a close friend and confidante. Regardless, hopefully, some answers are found to help aid in solving this awful death that never should have happened.

Do you have any suspicions as to who this power couple could be? More so, do you think they hold any clues to solving Matthew’s death? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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