‘Teen Mom’ Amber Portwood’s Missing Fiance Found, What Happened?

Teen Mom Amber Portwood Youtube

Teen Mom Amber Portwood has been worried about her fiance Gary Wayt after reporting him missing. On June 11, he was reported missing to police after having not been seen for two days prior. There has been a search underway to find him. Now, the Bryson City Police Department confirmed that Gary has been found. What happened? Keep reading to get the scoop.

Teen Mom Amber Portwood’s Missing Fiance Found

The Bryson City Police Department in North Carolina confirmed on Friday, June 14 that after being missing for approximately five days, Gary Wayt has been found. Their Facebook page said the case was closed and there was no further information at that time.

Amber reported him missing to police after the two had an emotional talk on June 9. Their conversation led to Gary leaving the location where they were reportedly staying. He took the car and left her there along with his cell phone.

Amber Portwood/Credit: YouTube
Amber Portwood/Credit: YouTube

According to inside sources, the engaged couple were in North Carolina for a family wedding. They were to be vacationing for several days in the Smoky Mountains. Obviously, their vacation went south when he never returned.

Sources say the former Teen Mom was beside herself not knowing where he could be. She thought at first he could have been heading back to Indiana.  However, it seems he never went back to their home.

Police Did Not Share Where He Was Found

Previously police shared he had been seen on video surveillance 900 miles away. According to police, he was seen on video footage at a Verizon store in Oklahoma. He was also reportedly in New Mexico at one point.

Now it appears Gary is alive and right now there is very little information as to why he left Amber and his entire family worried for days. Nobody knows how exactly he was finally found allowing the case to be closed

Upon the news Friday that he had been found no other details were released. So far Amber has not commented on this new information. The police have only said the case is closed.

The couple has only been engaged for a few weeks prior to him going missing. Everyone around them believed them to be happy and working to build a strong foundation before getting married.

Are you relieved he’s been located safe?
Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.

Jamie Colclasure

One Comment

  1. I’m glad the guy has been found safe, I believe he went on the run from Amber’s crazy ass. My advice to Gary is keep running dude, as far away from her as you can get.

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