Oprah Winfrey Health Update Following Hospital Scare

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Gayle King shocked her audience on CBS Mornings when she announced that Oprah Winfrey had to cancel her Tuesday morning appearance. She told the audience that Oprah was in the hospital hooked up to IVs. It sounded bad and Gayle returned to update fans on Oprah’s current condition one day later.

Here is what Gayle had to say about Oprah Winfrey’s current medical condition.

Oprah Winfrey Is Recovering Slowly After Hospital Emergency

Oprah Winfrey canceled her appearance on CBS Mornings on Tuesday to help promote a new book from her book club recommendations — Familiaris by David Wroblewski. However, before the segment, Gayle gave the scary news that Oprah was rushed to a hospital and was hooked up to IVs.

Oprah Winfrey Youtube
Oprah Winfrey Youtube

Gayle even made the “TMI comment” that it was “coming out of both ends.” The good news is that Winfrey didn’t seem angry about the comment. Gayle had Oprah on a video call and shared it on Instagram. She asked how Oprah was doing and mentioned what she had said in the episode.

“I never said you were hospitalized, I did say that you had a stomach something, was coming out of both sides, which it was,” Gayle said in the video.

Oprah then gave her a medical update. She said she was dehydrated and in the hospital emergency room. “I had a dry mouth, and I couldn’t keep enough water down to get hydrated, so I went to the emergency room for that, and that’s just it,” Oprah said.

Oprah had a stomach bug, and she said that she is still not 100 percent but she is “on my way to 100.” She also mentioned that five people in her household have the same virus right now.

Gayle King Reveals Why She Made The Prior Announcement

Gayle King wanted to ensure people understood why she told the world what happened to Oprah on the Tuesday CBS Morning episode. According to Gayle, she wanted everyone to know that Oprah had a good reason to miss the book presentation.


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“The point I was trying to make America, is that it had to be something that would keep her from getting on a plane and coming. That’s the only point I was trying to make,” Gayle said. Oprah admitted that she couldn’t get on a plane in her condition.

Fans responded to the video with Oprah in the comments:

  • “Sending healing prayers for Oprah. Love you Gayle because you always keep it real”
  • “I just love these two . Besties forever.
  • “It was the “coming out both ends” statement that had me clutching my pearls. I’m glad she’s better because dehydration can lead to more problems if not treated.”

What are your thoughts on how Gayle King announced Oprah WInfrey’s illness? Did you find it funny or did it bother you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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