‘Unexpected’ Jenna Ronan Raising Kid With Porta Potty Brawler

Jenna Ronan-YouTube

Is Unexpected star Jenna Ronan raising her son, Luca with a porta potty brawler? It seems more is coming out about Jenna’s best friend who has been featured on Season 6. So, what is going on and who is this person she is choosing to live her life with? Keep reading for more details.

Unexpected Jenna Ronan Raising Kid With Porta Potty Brawler

Jenna Ronan feels that she has changed her life dramatically since leaving her toxic relationship with Aden Albright. The two were together in Season 4 of Unexpected when she was a pregnant teen and tried to make it work for Season 5. Since Jenna grew up in a broken home, it was vital that she do better by their son, Luca. However, she saw that Aden was not the right partner for her and was disengaged from the relationship so she ended it. Now, she is back for Season 6 and is moving to Myrtle Beach with her best friend, Dalanie DiSabato.

Dalanie DiSabato, Jenna Ronan, Luca Albright-Instagram
Dalanie DiSabato, Jenna Ronan, Luca Albright-Instagram

In order to do this, she had to forego any financial support from Aden but she did not care. Jenna also noted that she could not have a relationship with Dalanie while she was with Aden. Yet, the besties, who had been close for over a decade, reconnected after the breakup and are thick as thieves. As it turns out, though, Dalanie is a bit of a brawler, according to Starcasm. In 2023, she was at a concert when she pulled a woman out of a porta potty by her hair.

Dalanie then proceeded to smack the woman in her head over and over again. Another woman tried to stop the fight but then Dalanie went and attacked her. She punched her into the porta potty, slammed the door on it, then reopened it only to kick her in the face. This whole altercation was filmed and she was branded the “Romper Stomper.” Jenna Ronan’s bestie went viral for what happened and eventually, had to explain why she did what she did. More so, it looked like a staged event but it was not.

The Method Behind The Madness

Jenna Ronan’s best friend did end up explaining why she did what she did and why she ended up in this brawl. Per Dalanie DiSabato, she was attending a Morgan Wallen concert with her mother when she had to use the restroom. Accidentally, she went in front of another patron who was also waiting in line. As she was using the porta potty, the person she cut confronted her mother so she was shocked when she was done. Dalanie went on to tell Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports:

“I just walked out and saw two girls ganging up on my mom, so I just did what I think any daughter would have done — I just beat the f*** out of them.”

She seems to be having fun with this newfound “Romper Stomper” identity as does Jenna. Yet, one of the bigger twists between the two girls is that Dalanie dated Aden before Jenna did. Plus, she lost her virginity to him, as well. So, this is who will be helping to raise Luca in the current season as Jenna is not pregnant just yet.

Have you heard about the “Romper Stomper” before or is this all new information? Let us know and watch Unexpected Mondays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

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