Jazz Jennings Wows Fans With Weight Loss In Spain

Jazz Jennings - I Am Jazz - TLC - YouTube

I Am Jazz fans can’t get over how much weight Jazz Jennings lost and now while she visits sunny Spain, she can flaunt her weight loss in a swimsuit by the pool. A new photo of her in a swimsuit comes after many others revealed her working her way into a healthy lifestyle. Keep reading to find out more.

Jazz Jennings Lost Weight, Works On Mental Health

For a long time, the sister of Griffen, Sander, and Ari struggled to keep her binge eating under control. She’s told her TLC fans on social media that she put on so much weight, it made it hard for her to do all the things she loved. Although she gained enough weight to shock her followers, she bravely shared photos and talked about how she felt determined to get it off.

Jazz Jennings Before She Lost Weight - I Am Jazz - TLC - YouTube
Jazz Jennings Before She Lost Weight – I Am Jazz – TLC – YouTube

Jazz Jennings seemed down, sad, confused, and lost for a while. But the I Am Jazz star documented her struggles with her mental health. Her many TLC fans love her because others who transition sometimes feel the same way. So, they appreciated her sharing her journey. However, these days, they seem in awe of her incredible weight loss. She dropped more than 70 pounds.

Sander Jennings Shares Photos On Spanish Beach

Sander Jennings seems like the best brother anyone could wish for. Protective and deeply caring, he often shares his younger sister’s milestones. This week, the family visited Marbella in Spain. And, he shared a rare photo of himself with his sister Ari on Instagram. Jazz was with them, and she wore a swimsuit that was a dark blue one-piece. All three of them looked like they enjoyed getting tanned by the poolside.

Ari, Sander, Jazz Jennings - Instagram
Ari, Sander, Jazz Jennings – Instagram

Jazz Jennings’ brother wrote in his caption:

Family by chance, friends by choice. We’re so grateful for each other every day ❤️ #FamilyLove #Siblings…Miss you @griffen_jennings! See you soon 💫

Griffen Jennings recently passed his bar exam, so he might be busy back home.

I Am Jazz Fans Awed By Weight Loss

TLC fans love seeing how fantastic Jazz Jennings looks in her swimsuit these days. So, they naturally took to the comments to chat about it. Here are some of their thoughts:

  • Jazz you look great. How did you loose (sic) the weight?
  • Jazz lost weight.
  • now [Sander’s] chubbier than Jazz even though a year ago she had severe obesity.
  • You look amazing girl.
  • What did you do to lose all that weight[?]

What did you think of Jazz Jennings looking so good in her swimsuit on the beach in Spain? Do you wish she’d share exactly how she lost so much weight? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your I Am Jazz news.

James Michael

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