Michael Strahan’s Daughter, Isabella Celebrates Major Cancer Update

Michael Strahan and Isabella Strahan via YouTube

Good Morning America host Michael Strahan’s daughter Isabella has been fighting brain cancer since being diagnosed in October 2023. Just one day before her 19th birthday she underwent emergency surgery. She has been keeping fans updated on her hard journey through social media. Now, she is celebrating and sharing a major update. Keep reading to find out more.

Isabella Strahan Is Celebrating Major Cancer Milestone

Michael Strahan’s daughter Isabella is busy celebrating a huge milestone in her journey to beat cancer. Since being diagnosed with medulloblastoma in October, she has undergone three brain surgeries. Isabella also went through six weeks of radiation prior to her start of chemo.

Michael and his daughter did not go public with the diagnosis until January 2024. Together they did a joint interview on Good Morning America. Strahan noted that his daughter was really going through it but he knew she was going to crush it.

Originally, Isabella was supposed to also have six rounds of chemotherapy which they reduced to four. She went to TikTok to share an exciting huge update. Isabella has completed her chemotherapy.

Michael Strahan's twin daughters, Sophia and Isabella Strahan - Instagram
Michael Strahan’s twin daughters, Sophia and Isabella Strahan – Instagram

She appeared in the TikTok video with her twin sister Sophia and both were dancing around. Isabella had a shiny gold paper crown on her head and an overlay of text on the video that said, “Just finished chemo.”

The music playing in the video was “Let Em’ Know” by Bryson Tiller. She captioned the video, “Did It.”


Did it

♬ Let Em’ Know – Bryson Tiller


She’s Hoping To Enjoy Summer

Isabella Strahan previously shared an update in April in which she announced they had reduced the number of chemo treatments she would need. At the time she said, “I can kind of try and have a summer to feel better. And I’m so happy cause I thought I’d be done at the end of July. I was supposed to do six rounds in total. And then I really would just have to go straight back to school. I’m so happy.”

No doubt Michael is celebrating right along with his two daughters. Fans are also praising her and hoping this means she will be cancer-free.

GMA host Michael Strahan, his mom Louise, Sophia and Isabella - Instagram
GMA host Michael Strahan, his mom Louise, Sophia and Isabella – Instagram

Isabella has shared her journey with followers on TikTok and YouTube primarily. She shared the good times right along with the bad. Needless to say, it has been a long journey so far and the 19-year-old is most certainly ready for a break.

What do you think about Isabella finishing her last round of chemotherapy?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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