Trista Sutter Says Her Mysterious Absence Will Be Explained Soon

Trista Sutter via youtube 25

Bachelorette Trista Sutter went MIA over Mother’s Day and for a week or so after. Her husband Ryan Sutter made several cryptic posts while she was gone as well. Prior to leaving, she told fans she would not have access to her phone for the few weeks she was gone. Trista finally reunited with Ryan and their two children for a beach vacation. Now, she is teasing fans that she will soon explain her mysterious absence. What did she have to say? Keep reading to find out more.

Trista Sutter Will Explain Absence Soon

Bachelorette Trista Sutter appeared on the Almost Famous podcast this week where she was asked about her mysterious absence. She was gone over Mother’s Day causing her family to miss her terribly. Trista didn’t give up any real information but did share that she would reveal where she was sometime soon. The time has to be right for the big reveal.

She said, “I will share it as soon as I possibly can but, yeah, life is crazy right now. It’s summertime right now with two teenagers who need to get jobs and get ready for their junior and sophomore years.”

Rumors began flying when Trista was gone and Ryan started making cryptic posts. Many thought there were marital issues while others went so far as to think she had mysteriously died.

The Sutters via Instagram

After seeing tons of rumors about his wife, Ryan did go back to social media to say that their marriage is fine and that Trista was fine. He simply missed not being able to talk to her.

When Trista did return, she also went to social media to thank fans for being worried about her but also commented on how crazy all the assumptions were. She said, “Geez people. Can’t a girl have a nervous breakdown/trial separation/midlife crisis/death/divorce in peace around here?! 😜🤣. In all seriousness, for those concerned, I’m safe and sound, happy and healthy, in love and grateful. 🥰. For those who’d rather focus on being critical and searching way too hard for darkness, good luck with that. 🙃.”

TRista and Ryan Sutter via insta 2

Where Was She?

Nobody has gotten confirmation of where Trista Sutter was at. Many believe she was off filming Season 3 of Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test. It makes sense since she had no phone and was gone for two weeks.

Nobody will know for sure until the cast list is released and Trista opens up about her experience from wherever she was.

What do you think? Was she filming a reality television show?

Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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