Kim Zolciak And Kroy Biermann Have Delayed House Foreclosure

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann have come to an agreement and postponed the foreclosure of their home. The two of them have had a lot of ups and downs in recent months. However, it seems that they can come to an agreement on one thing. The two are best known for their reality TV show Don’t Be Tardy. However, since then, they have gone downhill. Keep reading to find out more.

Kim Zolciak And Kroy Biermann Split

Kim and Kroy have split. At first, they filed for divorce and then called it off. That happened a couple of times. However, their relationship was getting toxic, and was not a good thing for their kids to be involved in. Kroy and Kim had the cops called on them several times for their massive arguments. One of their children even called the cops one time because they were scared. A lot of their issues had to do with money and debt. They could not even afford to keep their house.

Kroy Biermann, Kim Zolciak-Facebook
Kroy Biermann, Kim Zolciak-Facebook

They Came To An Agreement

Since the financial issues have surfaced, the two tried to sell their home. However, they were unsuccessful, and the house went up for foreclosure. Now, it seems the two have finally come to an agreement and postponed the foreclosure.

“This matter was placed on the inactive docket on January 31, 2024. At such time, Respondent informed the Court that the foreclosure sale had been canceled and there was, therefore, no justiciable issue pending before the Court,”

The two of them have 90 days to sell the home. They initially listed the house for $6 million. However, it is now listed at $4.5 million. The home has seven bedrooms, eight full bathrooms, three partial bathrooms, and an eight-car garage. There are also things such as an arcade room, movie theater, and wine cellar. However, the two are struggling to sell the 15,000 square foot home.

It seems that the two only have 90 days to sell their house. If it is not sold by then, it will go back to foreclosure. They have gone down on the price several times and will more than likely continue to go down if they cannot sell it. The house is massive and has a lot to offer. However, they just cannot get it sold. What do you think about their agreement? Do you think the house will sell within the 90 days they have? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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