‘Live’ Kelly Ripa Recalls Mortifying Moment With Her Kids

Kelly Ripa Mark Consuelos - Live with Kelly and Mark - ABC - X

Live with Kelly and Mark hosts, Kelly Ripa and her husband, Mark Consuelos chatted about memories made with the kids, and one seemed mortifying. Lola, 22, Joaquin, 21, and Michael, 27 are all grown up now, but the memories will never fade.

Live Kelly Ripa Has The Kids On The ABC Talk Show

Occasionally, the children join their mom and dad on the morning talk show. However, it doesn’t happen that often these days. Michael’s busy with work on The Real Housewives, Lola’s been in the UK, and Joaquin’s sweating the books. Recently, they were not in the studio, but their parents talked about them.

Live with Kelly and Mark - Lola and Michael Consuelos - ABC YouTube
Live with Kelly and Mark – Lola and Michael Consuelos – ABC YouTube

Kelly Ripa certainly made memories with her children, and none more so than Lola. Often, she complained that her mom embarrassed her on social media. Flirting with Mark Consuelos was her favorite thing when he was away filming. Also, the Live with Kelly and Mark host told her audience that Lola once caught her parents making out. Luckily for Lola, the new memory story wasn’t about that.

Live Kelly Ripa Recalls Moritfying Memory

On Live with Kelly and Mark, Mark Consuelos and Kelly often go through the news headlines. He chose to talk about ABC 30 Action News report about a woman who got fined “$88K” for collecting clams. She’d taken the kids to the beach and they gathered up what they thought were “sea shells.” Later the fine was reduced to $500, but Monsters and Critics noted that Live Kelly looked uneasy.

Woman fined $88K for clamming - ABC 30 Action News - YouTube
Woman fined $88K for clamming – ABC 30 Action News – YouTube

The outlet related how the news arrived that Kelly Ripa once had a run-in with the law for the same thing. “Kelly told the audience that she once tried clamming on Long Island and was quickly shut down because she needed a license.”

The story prompted another memory when the kids were younger. It came from Mark Consuelos and it seemed mortifying for his wife. He explained how they took the kids to the beach one day, and for some reason, sea birds kept “dive-bombing” them. Next, some guy approached and told Kelly Ripa’s family to “leave those birds alone.”

Later on, it turned out that the Live with Kelly and Ryan hosts had met the man through a mutual friend. They became friendly and Mark laughed about it. However, mortified Kelly Ripa hates recalling the memory. She said:

I don’t really laugh…15 years later, I am still deeply uncomfortable.

Have you ever been embarrassed by the wildlife on the beach? Did you know that you need to know the difference between clams and ordinary sea shells? What about the birds? Go ahead and share your mortifying memories from the beach. And then, come back here for all your Live with Kelly and Mark news.

James Michael

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