‘AGT’ Simon Cowell Shocked By ‘Most Difficult Act’

Simon Cowell - The Ellen Show - YouTube

America’s Got Talent judge, Simon Cowell saw thousands of acts in his life and this week, he saw one that he described as one of the “most difficult” that he’s seen in a “long time.” Instead of being bored, his skepticism turned into amazement as a dancer put a new spin on her talent.

Simon Cowell Watched An ‘Impossible’ Act On AGT

When a contestant surprised the long-time talent boss, he wore his new tinted sunglasses that protect his eyes from the lighting on AGT. While they shaded his eyes, nobody could mistake his nervous apprehension as a contestant on America’s Got Talent performed a difficult act. While it took a few attempts, the dangerous act concluded successfully.

Simon Cowell Gets Nervous During Difficult AGT Act - YouTube
Simon Cowell Gets Nervous During Difficult AGT Act – YouTube

Simon Cowell watched dangerous acts in the past. In fact, one of them on America’s Got Talent: Extreme ended up with the show being investigated by OSHA. Johnathan Goodwin ended up paralyzed in a wheelchair after a 30-foot fall. And, OSHA viewed it very seriously. The latest “impossible” act didn’t see anyone injured, but it could have worked out differently.

AGT Dangerous  & Difficult Act By A Ballerina

On Tuesday’s edition of Season 19, a dancer named Ashlee Montague made Simon comment, “Nobody actually likes the ballet.” Then he explained how much he “hated” it. so he only ever watched it “once.” Additionally, he said during her act that it was “impossible.” Determined to try, she did a bit of a dance after explaining:

The challenges of ballet are incredibly grueling. People have told me I’m too tall, too short, too big, too everything. This is my dream, and if someone else doesn’t see it that’s okay. They close the door, I’ll climb through a window. I’ve never trained harder for anything.

Ashley decided to dance her way up onto a platform where glass bottles were lined in a row. And then, balance her way across them.

America's Got Talent - Ashlee Montague - YouTube
America’s Got Talent – Ashlee Montague – YouTube

A Nailbiting Performance On America’s Got Talent

As she started walking on her toes on the first two bottles, she wobbled and stepped off. Then it happened again, and Simon Cowell commented “She’s not gonna do it.” Well, she showed him she could, but viewers could see her legs and feet trembling with effort. And, Simon had to eat his words as the judges and crowd erupted.

A standing ovation for Ashlee - America's Got Talent
A standing ovation for Ashlee – America’s Got Talent

Needless to say, she got her four yes votes from the judges. Simon Cowell said, “I said to Sofia beforehand I actually can’t bear the ballet or opera actually. However, now you’ve found a way of making it interesting…That’s one of the most difficult acts I’ve seen for a long time.”

What are your thoughts about Ashlee Montague managing such a dangerous and difficult act? Are you shocked that Simon Cowell predicted it would be impossible? Is it one of the most difficult acts that you ever saw on the show? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your America”s Got Talent news.

James Michael

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