‘LIve’ Mark Consuelos Reveals Awkward Encounter With Security

Mark Consuelos - WWHL - YouTube

Tuesday’s Live With Kelly and Mark revealed Mark Consuelos bordering on NSFW as he described awkward encounters with security officials at airports. Plenty of people can identify with that. However, his problems arise from an unknown source. Read on to find out more about what got the audience giggling.

Mark Consuelos & Kelly Ripa Went To Palm Springs

Memorial Weekend saw the two ABC talk show hosts visiting Palm Springs. There, Kelly Ripa related, Mark didn’t feel like hiking much, so she took off exploring on her own. Apparently, he couldn’t join her because he had an injury, or so he said. Anyway, she saw “a coyote” and told everyone she could find that it was skulking somewhere.

Live with Kelly and Mark - Kelly Ripa, Mark Consuelos - ABC YouTube
Live with Kelly and Mark – Kelly Ripa, Mark Consuelos – ABC YouTube

Mark Consuelos told her that he wanted to know her location when she walked off by herself. Well, she objected to that. And, she raised her eyebrows as Michael Gelman confessed that he always knows where his partner is. Anyway, Kelly Ripa survived her encounter, and the chatter turned to banter about awkward security encounters at airports.

Live With Kelly And Mark Fans Love The Banter

The morning talk show on ABC seems very popular because it brings snippets about the weather, news, sports, lifestyle, health, food, and more. Most of all, the co-hosts bring some easy banter to the studio. When Kelly Ripa was honored by Time, she said that she enjoys helping people escape the bad news in life. So, she likes to lighten things up. This week, she and Mark did just that.

Kelly Ripa Mark Consuelos - ABC
Kelly Ripa Mark Consuelos – ABC

US Weekly reported that Mark Consuelos turned the conversation to travel, and he talked about how much he enjoys flying in a “comfortable” pair of “jeans.” However, although there appear to be no hidden metal “zippers” or “a rivet,” his pants always set off the alarm. Then, to the delight of the Live with Kelly and Mark audience, he related his awkward encounters with security officials.

Kelly Ripa laughed as he talked about how “the crotch” sets off the alarms. He said:

The [security guy] is usually a big, burly guy, and he’s like, ‘I’ve got to pat you down, man…’You want a private room?”

Mark also related another encounter when he flew home “from California.” The ABC co-host related how the security official made him go through the metal detector “twice.” The second time, he put on a glove.” So, Mark said “I’m like, ‘What are we doing? This is just second base, no? We’re just doing second base!”

What are your thoughts about Mark Consuelos experiencing so many awkward moments with security officials as he travels through airports? Did that ever happen to you? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Live with Kelly and Mark news.

James Michael

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