Ryan Seacrest Beaming & Unfazed Amid Split From GF

Ryan Seacrest-YouTube

Ryan Seacrest was spotted out beaming and seemingly unfazed amid his split from his longtime girlfriend, Aubrey Paige. The two parted ways in April 2024 while Ryan has so much going on in his life to celebrate. So, where was he that had him so chipper? Keep reading for more details.

Ryan Seacrest Beaming & Unfazed Amid Split From GF

The rumor mill had been spinning that Ryan Seacrest and Aubrey Paige had called it quits. Yet, they maintained that they were very happy together after three years. He was very busy in his life as he has always been. Ryan was hosting the latest season of American Idol while also hosting his radio show. Along with that, he had been selected as the new host of Wheel of Fortune, taking over for Pat Sajak. Still, he and Aubrey continued their love affair but when it ended, they said they would stay committed to being friends.

Aubrey Paige, Ryan Seacrest in happier days - Instagram
Ryan Seacrest, Aubrey Paige-Instagram

Now, Ryan is showing that he has moved on with his life and still has a big smile on his face. He does not appear to be sitting around, mourning the loss of his relationship. According to The Sun, Ryan was spotted out at the high-end California market, Erewhon. That is the home of the fancy celebrity named smoothies. Kendall Jenner just launched her $23 smoothie but it does benefit charity so it is worth it. The host carried a basket while donning a black baseball cap and matching shirt with the sleeves rolled up.


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He also had black joggers and white sneakers as he was all smiles walking through the aisles. Ryan Seacrest shared the snap of him shopping on his Instagram with the caption: “Feeling bubbly.” It appears that he was also doing a promo for a Kombucha brand so that added to the smiles. As of now, he has a short break before he starts filming his new episodes of Wheel of Fortune. Pat’s final episode airs on June 7th and Ryan begins his run in September 2024.

‘Normal’ Ryan

Fans who saw this post of Ryan Seacrest were thrilled to see him just being an average person. They took to the comment section and shared their thoughts on seeing him looking happy and well:

  • Nice to see you shopping and doing some normal stuff 🕺☮️😎👍💕🙏. Stay blessed !
  • I Love the way you live like one of us 🙌
  • You look great these days Ryan ❤️❤️❤️❤️

It looks like he is keeping his head up and focusing on the good in his life rather than the breakup or any sadness. This is something to emulate and be proud of.

Are you happy to see Ryan smiling and out there like an everyday person? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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