‘Jeopardy! Masters’ Contestant Schools Ken, Fans React Negatively

Yogesh on Jeopardy! / YouTube

Jeopardy! fans have a lot of complaints about the recent Masters tournament. Much of the complaints are about Yogesh Raut, who has come across as arrogant to many fans with his style of gameplay. Now, Yogesh has done something that might prove fans’ opinions of him are correct.

Here is what Yogesh said to Ken Jennings, and how the Jeopardy! host got back at him for it.

Yogesh Corrects Ken Jennings On Camera

Yogesh was competing in Jeopardy! The Masters when he stopped host Ken Jennings and corrected his pronunciation of a word. The word was “Everest.”

Yogesh on Jeopardy / YouTube

The clue was: “In 1823, this eponymous man was elevated to superintendent of the survey of India.” When Yogesh answered “Everest,” he pronounced it as “Ee-ver-est.” Ken said that Yogesh was right and pronounced it as “Ever-est.” Yogesh immediately fired back, “He pronounced it Ee-ver-est.”

Ken just chuckled at the clapback. However, Ken got Yogesh back later in the episode. This happened when retired NFL player Jason Kelce was a guest and gave a clue about a song with the lyrics, “Ah, push it, push it good.”

Yogesh answered “Salt and Pepper.” Ken said Yogesh was right, and then added, “Yes, I think they might’ve said, Salt-N-Pepa, but you got it. Like Ee-ver-est.”

  • “Ken did not like Yogesh’s additional comments”
  • “Yogesh, while extremely intelligent, is just too much and kind of a smart aleck”
  • “If loving that @KenJennings clapped back at Yogesh with Salt N Pepa after his s**tty little ‘Everest’ comment is wrong, I don’t want to be right”

It seems Ken Jennings enjoyed his clapback at Yogesh.

Jeopardy! Fans Wanted The Answer Reversed

However, fans were not happy about Yogesh’s answer to the Salt-N-Pepa question. He said “Salt and Pepper.” Based on past episodes of the show, he should have gotten the question wrong and had production reverse his correct answer.

Ken getting Yogesh back with the pronunciation on the next clue 😆
byu/Gravity9802 inJeopardy

In the Alex Trebek days of the show, there was a question that had the answer “Gangsta’s Paradise” (the Coolio song). When a player gave the answer as “Gangster’s Paradise,” Alex said he was right. When the show came back from the commercial, production had reversed the decision and counted it wrong since the contestant didn’t pronounce it right.

Many fans pointed out the two instances and said that “Salt and Pepper” is as wrong as “Gangster’s Paradise” since neither of those are the actual names in the answer to the question. For someone who corrected Ken Jennings for his pronunciation, it seems Yogesh should have missed the question.

What are your thoughts on Yogesh Raut and his attitude while competing on Jeopardy! Masters? Do you think he deserves the backlash he is getting from fans? What are your thoughts on him correcting Ken Jennings on air? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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