Brittany Cartwright Is Not Good With Estranged Husband Jax Taylor

Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright

Brittany Cartwright recently revealed that she is not good with her estranged husband, Jax Taylor. The two have been separated since January. Fans are getting to watch the struggles their marriage faced in The Valley. There has been a lot going on with them and Brittany does not seem to want to fix things anytime soon. Keep reading to find out more about how she feels.

Brittany And Jax Separate

Brittany and Jax have been separated since January. She revealed that she needed to take a step back from the marriage. Brittany has been living in various Airbnb’s since the separation as Jax would not move out.

“Once a woman hits her breaking point, it’s like ‘Done.’ Something like clicked in my head, and I was like. ‘I need to step away from this situation. This is not not healthy. This is not a good situation. My son deserves better. I deserve better,'”

Brittany realized she could not stay in an unhappy marriage just for her son as being around the constant arguing was not good for him either.

Jax Taylor, Brittany Cartwright-Instagram
Jax Taylor, Brittany Cartwright-Instagram

Brittany Cartwright Can’t Stand Jax Taylor

Cartwright revealed that she cannot stand Taylor. 

“Right now, I can’t even be in the same room with him very long, last time you were here, I was fine…You were like, I forget you guys are even separated. So it’s very up and down like that.”

This could be due to Jax not wanting to work on himself at all. He refused to go to couple’s therapy with Brittany and does not want to take the steps he needs to in order to fix his marriage. Right now, it does not seem good for the two of them. If Brittany can’t stand to be around him months later, she more than likely will never be able to unless something big changes. Do you think the two will be able to med their marriage?

Brittany Cartwright - WWHL - YouTube

It seems that the two are still not on good terms. This may be due to Jax not working on himself as Brittany has asked. They are still splitting time with their son, Cruz. However, Brittany is still not living in the home with her son as Jax would not move out, which forced her to be the one to go. Fans are on Brittany’s side about the whole situation. What do you think about it all? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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