‘Teen Mom’ Kailyn Lowry’s Son Shocks With His Perception Of Mom

Teen Mom's Kailyn Lowry / YouTube

Kailyn Lowry was a star on Teen Mom since the beginning. She had her first child, Isaac in 2010 and has since given birth to six more kids, five boys, and one girl. Now, her firstborn has made a brutally honest assessment of his mother.

Here is what Isaac said about his mom.

Isaac Makes Honest Statement About Kailyn Lowry

Kailyn Lowry made news in 2023 when she announced she was having twins with her new partner Elijah Scott. With the twins here and healthy, Kailyn has hinted that she wants to have an eighth baby. This might not make one person in her life happy.

Kailyn Lowry - Instagram

Reddit thread was just started that posted some comments that her eldest child, Isaac made to his mom when they were talking. It was both very funny and brutally honest. Kailyn tried to reassure Isaac, (who turned 14 in 2024), that she was always going to put the kids first in her life.

She also said that she wanted her kids to know that if she dates someone they don’t like or don’t want to be around her, she will leave that person. When Isaac asked if that would be “real hard,” Kailyn assured him that it wouldn’t. She said she didn’t need a man and asked if Isaac thought she needed a man. Isaac responded, “Not really. The only thing you do with men is make more kids.”

Kailyn Lowry Blasted By Fans For Having So Many Babies

When Kailyn Lowry hinted last month that she might want to have an eighth baby, many fans chimed in, bashing the former Teen Mom star. A few fans said that she just wanted to have babies because she was bored. Another said she just used her kids to toll the Internet.

That last sentence!!!!
byu/Taco_Fairy inTeenMomOGandTeenMom2

The fact that Isaac sees his mother as only dating men so she can have more babies is telling. Some Teen Mom fans feel that the only discernable trait that Kail has is having babies. More so, others wondered if Kail knew how to do anything other than have babies anyway. This can’t make her feel good, and while she laughs at Internet trolls, it has to hurt coming from her own son.

After having her last three kids, Kailyn also wants to have a boob job. This is because, after having seven babies, it has made her want to make more improvements to her body. She wants either a boob job or a lift to get things back to how they used to be. However, she learned she couldn’t get one until she lost at least 50 pounds, which she called “humbling.”

What are your thoughts on Isaac’s words to his mother and her relationship with men? Do you think she just uses them to have more babies? Let us know in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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  1. It’s actually sad, for a child to say that is (like the author of this article stated, yes it is absolutely telling)! From her debut all those years ago, to not only have a child out of wedlock but to be still very much a child herself at the time of conceiveing Isaac, it’s not that the idea of a child having a child out of marriage is strange is this day & age but it is to boast about it and airing it out on national TV! Rather grotesque, vile & outright toxic mental health related issues that underline her storyline, I am a woman who advocates for other women and certainly want to see a much younger woman like her win. It’s the perception & vibes that ooze “gross” across the screen when I see her story time come on. A 45 yr old woman who watched probably the first several seasons, after it appeared to be going in the same direction I stopped watching. All those young ladies well most for the exception of Caitlynn changed boy toys like I change clothes. But…when we specifically bring her into the discussion she is utterly disgusting, it gives such a bad wrap for so many young women her age. What I think I read she now has 7 children, while she married once or twice but continued to sleep with one of the exes that she went onto cheat on him to while he was overseas it’s just mere so disgusting! That is complete and total tramp behavior! She is a trashy tramp! Nothing more, bc how many of her children share the same biological father (besides the twins) Zero right? Yea… nasty girl!

  2. l seriously think she is mentally ill or is suffering from PTSD. She had a hard childhood with an emotionally abusive mother. It makes me wonder if she’s doing this to fill the void of not having a loving mother. It’s really sad.

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