Charlie Snider Reveals Future Of ‘Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch’

Charlie on Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch / YouTube

Fans of Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch have just got some news about the Discovery Channel show’s future. Head of Security Charlie Snider has popped up in a new interview and he has some news about what fans might expect from the show in the future.

Here is what Charlie had to say about Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch and what fans can expect.

Charlie Snider On Future Of Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch

Charlie Snider is a retired Sheriff’s Deputy from the Ozarks. He has been working with Chad and Duane Ollinger in Utah on Blind Frog Ranch since it all started. Since there are so many trespassers and theft on the ranch thanks to its reputation, Charlie is in charge of security and investigates any leads that come up.

Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch / YouTube

Charlie recently spoke to Reality Tidbit about the future of the reality TV show. Charlie has worked with Chad and Duane on finding several objects, including mysterious orbs and portals that open up in the sky. While it is often hard to believe, the show persists that everything is on the up and up.

Charlie also said fans don’t need to worry because the hit reality TV show is coming back to Discovery. “We’re three weeks into filming season 4,” Charlie said in the interview. He then guessed that the new episodes should start airing in November or December of this year.

This lines up about right. Season 1 premiered on January 1, 2021. Season 2 hit the network on January 7, 2022. Finally, Season 3 premiered on November 15, 2023.

What To Expect From New Mystery At Blind Frog Ranch Season

There is more good news for fans of Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch. The new season will have 16 episodes. This is a huge jump for the series. The first season only had six episodes and the next two had eight each. That means that Season 4 will have the same number of episodes as the last two combined.

As for what fans can expect, Charlie said they want to put out a good season with some great discoveries. “There’ll be a lot of excitement this year,” he said. “We’ll try to give everybody a great show and show that it’s actually an archeological site.”

For fans who think everything is fake, Charlie disagrees and says that there will be a lot of things this season that might also be a little hard to accept. “It’s all real. It’s a working project,” Charlie said. “There are museums that are talking about getting involved.”

He did admit there is some reenactment in case they don’t get good footage of the actual discoveries.

Are you excited to see Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch returning to Discovery? What are your favorite parts of the series? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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