Wynonna Judd Reveals Feelings: Performing With Emmy Russell

Wynonna Judd and Emmy Russell

Wynonna Judd recently revealed how it felt to perform with Loretta Lynn’s granddaughter, Emmy Russell. The two performed together on American Idol. Emmy Russel was a contestant and made it far in the competition before getting eliminated. However, Wynonna looked up to Loretta tremendously. She was the first person to accept her into country music. Keep reading to find out how it made her feel to perform with her idol’s granddaughter.

Emmy Russell And American Idol

Emmy Russell was on the latest season of American Idol. She went far in the competition but ended up getting eliminated. When the judges found out she was Loretta Lynn’s granddaughter, they were stunned. Katy Perry lifted her up in praise.

“You are an A+ songwriter, so is your grandma. You got the gift. I don’t think you need to compare yourself to what grandma was. You’re totally different. You shouldn’t give yourself all that pressure.”

However, Emmy did great and would have made her grandmother proud. Some viewers thought she was only still in the competition due to her relationship with a famous country artist. While others felt she deserved to be there.

Emmy Russell
Emmy Russell

How Wynonna Judd Felt About The Performance

Wynonna Judd and Emmy Russell performed “Coal Miner’s Daughter” on American Idol. Judd recently revealed how she felt about the performance.

“I did and I love Loretta, she gave me the shirt off her back, literally, and she was the first woman that hugged me in country music. At some point in your life, you find yourself talking to someone in the family that’s carrying on what their ancestors started and that’s what she’s doing, I’m helping these youngsters out there who need some wisdom and experience,”

This was an amazing experience for the both of them. Wynonna got to perform with one of her idol’s granddaughter’s. While Emmy got to perform with one of the best performers in country music. It is safe to say both enjoyed what they got to do and would do it again any day.

It seems Wynonna was delighted to perform with Emmy. She looked up to Loretta Lynn and was excited to perform with her following generations. Emmy was bummed about getting eliminated from the show but was grateful for the experience. She will continue to sing and perform just like her grandmother did. Fans loved Emmy and believed she could go far in the industry. What do you think? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent

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