Fans Slam Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Intimidation’ Of ‘Weezer’ Rockstar

The Kelly Clarkson Show - YouTube

Kelly Clarkson upset some people when she interviewed Rivers Cuomo from the rock band, Weezer on The Kelly Clarkson Show this week. He looked uncomfortable and a bit intimidated by her boisterous behavior, along with Brooke Shields.

Kelly Clarkson Did Well With Her Music Career

The singer was a contestant in Season 1 of the Fox talent show, American Idol in 2002. After she won, she went on to become extremely successful. Notably, not every winner does that. After slaying in the music industry, she joined The Voice for many seasons. Then in 2019, she started The Kelly Clarkson Show. 

Kelly Clarkson Show / YouTube
Kelly Clarkson Was Successful On American Idol and The Voice – YouTube

The Kelly Clarkson Show relocated to New York City, and if you want to be in the audience, there is a waitlist. And, a hefty price to go with it. She’s at the pinnacle of her career right now, but she admitted that she wasn’t the perfect contestant on American Idol. This week, fans of the show shaded her for not being a perfect host, either.

Rivers Cuomo Seemed Intimidated By Exuberant Host

Rivers Cuomo, 54, the lead singer and songwriter formed the rock band Weezer in 1992, and in 2004, they released Blue Album. However, after painful surgery, his songs became darker. Nevertheless, he seemed happy enough for Kelly to join the older band on her show. But, viewers thought she intimidated him during the interview.

Kelly Clarkson Performs with Weever Band - The Kelly Clarkson Show YouTube
Kelly Clarkson Performs with Weever Band – The Kelly Clarkson Show – YouTube

The Kelly Clarkson Show appearance was in honor of the 30th Anniversary of Blue Album. The members of the band seem like quiet people, especially Rivers Cuomo. Meanwhile, the host seemed to be the total opposite. Actually, she and Brooke Shields looked and sounded over-the-top excited.

Fans Shade Intimidating Behavior

Bouncing around and waving her arms, she seemed like a stark contrast to Rivers’ quiet demeanor. Making it worse, while he looked uncomfortable, she went on about his quiet “energy.” And, viewers felt that she mocked him when she said that she’d “really want to host a show” with him.

Rivers Cuomo and Patrick Wilson on The Kelly Clarkson Show, YouTube
Rivers Cuomo and Patrick Wilson on The Kelly Clarkson Show, YouTube

In the comments of the Kelly Clarkson Show on YouTube, fans slammed the host’s behavior. Here are some of their opinions:

  • It was like a chihuahua interviewing a cat.
  • She acted like they were being weird, but she was being such a spaz.
  • In the beginning was fun, but as an introverted person I thought that it was too much, it was kind of mocking those guys. I didn’t like it.
  • I am on the fence between [her] being funny or slightly making fun of the [quiet] guy.

In fairness to Kelly though, many people enjoyed the humorous banter during the talk show.

What are your thoughts about Rivers Cuomo from the band, Weezer seeming to look uncomfortable and intimidated by the former American Idol star? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your news about The Kelly Clarkson Show.

James Michael

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