‘Farmer Wants A Wife’ Megan Lay Shares New Boyfriend

Megan Lay via insta

Farmer Wants a Wife aired its reunion episode on Thursday night to let everyone know where things stand between the contestants. Megan Lay was trying to win over the heart of Ty Ferrell. She even made it to the final two. They shared a lot of similarities but in the end, Ty decided to send both of his final ladies home. Now, Megan found happiness elsewhere and shared her new boyfriend with fans on social media. Keep reading to find out more and see photos.

Farmer Wants A Wife Megan Lay Shares New Relationship

Farmer Wants a Wife contestant Megan Lay didn’t find her person in Ty Ferrell. The two seemed to be great for each other. However, Ty already has one daughter and doesn’t think another child is in his future. Megan does want children and he doesn’t want to deprive her of that. So, he sent her home. He also sent home his other lady in the final two. He remains single.

While Ty is still looking for someone to spend his life with, Megan has already found a new boyfriend. Following the reunion episode on Thursday night, Megan went to Instagram to share that she is dating again.

Ty Ferrell, Melody Fernandez, and Megan Lay. - Farmer Wants A Wife - Instagram
She shared photos of her and the ladies and then with her new boyfriend and introduced him to the world. Megan started her post by saying how grateful she is for the opportunity and the friendships she’s made. She also thanked everyone for their support. Then, she introduced her boyfriend. 

Megan said, “You know, I came on the show at a chance to find my special someone…. Well, I did find someone special, just not a farmer😉 Swipe to meet Joe! 🫶🏼 @jglennon2 I am so thankful for you. You have been the most supportive, encouraging, and amazing boyfriend! Thank you for being you! I can’t wait to see what our future holds! ❤️”

Megan Lay and Joe via insta

She’s Not The Only One Who Found Love

Megan Lay is not the only one who found love. Farmer Wants a Wife star Kiana Clemente also found someone special. She shared that her person was not Farmer Mitchell. However, she is now in a relationship with Mitchell’s best friend Houston. The two met during her time with Mitchell’s family.

There was an instant connection between the two of them. They have been dating since December.

What do you think about Megan and Kiana finding love? Stay tuned for more updates.

Jamie Colclasure

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