‘Live’ Mark Consuelos Makes Shocking Confession To Kelly Ripa

Live with Kelly and Mark co-host Mark Consuelos kissed another woman and then confessed to it on Tuesday’s morning talk show. Kelly Ripa’s husband, who’s crazy about sports had just returned from Italy, where his soccer team, Campobasso 1919, which he co-owns, won an important tournament. 

Mark Consuelos Loves Sports

Kelly Ripa claimed that it was a terrible idea when executives suggested that her husband should co-host with her on the ABC talk show. However, it turned out that the ratings went up. He loves sports and each day, he talks about it. Because he co-owns a soccer team, he is knowledgeable about soccer. Plus, he likes football stateside. So, he picked up a new audience for the show.

Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa from Live with Kelly and Mark, ABC
Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa from Live with Kelly and Mark, ABC

Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa recently went to Africa and they enjoyed Morocco. However, Kelly Ripa had to get back to work on the talk show. So, he went on to Italy without her. There, the Live with Kelly and Mark host watched his soccer team win an important game. In fact, they won a soccer championship, and the supporters, along with Mark went wild.  

Kelly Ripa Hears About Mark Kissing A Woman

The Live with Kelly and Mark audience watched some footage of the team going crazy when they won. When Kelly’s husband talked about it, he became very excited, trying to let people know what a special day it was. He talked about “partying” that night. Plus, he described how they use a big plexiglass barrier to keep the supporters off the field.

Mark Consuelos - YouTube - Live Kelly and Mark
Mark Consuelos – YouTube – Live Kelly and Mark

Next, Mark Consuelos told his wife:

…We ran over to our fans. I’m running and I see this lady, let’s call her my aunt, maybe someone else’s aunt, and we look at each other and we’re so excited and there’s this glass and we come to the glass, and you know what? I kissed her.I laid one on her. It was a smooch, but it was passionate!

Kelly Ripa seemed unconvinced because there was no filmed footage of the kiss. Plus, she gave a dry one-liner about him. As he claimed that he “closed” his eyes for the kiss, she replied, “That doesn’t happen, you never close your eyes!”

Next, they both talked about how the decisions they made affected the team. He fired some people and the replacements did really well to improve the prospects of his team.

What are your thoughts about Mark Consuelos confessing that he kissed another woman passionately through the glass barrier? Do you think he made up a story just to get a reaction from his wife? Or, do you believe it really happened? Do you also love the excitement of soccer tournaments? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Live with Kelly and Mark news. 

James Michael

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