Did Chase Chrisley Lose His Real Estate License?

Chase Chrisley YouTube Growing Up Chrisley - E

Chrisley Knows Best fans learned that Todd Chrisley got his son, Chase Chrisley into real estate, but his license in Nashville, Tennessee seems to have expired. Does that mean that he can no longer work in the industry? Read on to find out.

Chase Chrisley & Others Went Into Real Estate

Todd, the patriarch of the family made money in real estate, and he also encouraged his daughter, Savannah to get into it. Chase started working towards his license as well. Plus, before his untimely death, Nic Kerdiles made a living from selling homes. With Todd and Julie serving time in prison for fraud and tax-related offenses, USA Network and E! dropped Chrisley Knows Best and other spinoffs, so the family lost income from that.

Chase Chrisley - YouTube/Chrisley Knows Best
Chase Chrisley – Chrisley Knows Best – YouTube

With money tight, Chase Chrisley presumably still works in the real estate business. He does gamble with Nanny Faye online, so he must have access to some cash. But that’s not an ideal career. If income is important to him, then fans would expect him to renew his license to continue with real estate for a living. However, someone noticed that he seemingly didn’t renew this year.

Real Estate License Expired?

On Reddit, a Chrisley Knows Best critic shared a screenshot of the license details. In their caption, they said:

Whoopsie!! Seems Chase let his real estate license expire…what WILL he do now for work?!😂😂😂


Chase Chrisley Real Estate Details - Via Reddit
Chase Chrisley Real Estate Details – Via Reddit

Chase Chrisley first registered the business license in April 2022. And, the screenshot revealed that it was due for renewal on April 18. In the comments, some people made fun of him, his parents, and his sister, Savannah:

  • He doesn’t care about this license. It’s actual work and he’s not ’bout that life.
  • I don’t think any…one of them were interested in real estate. I really think Todd did this so he could claim them as employees. Probably for tax purposes like writing off any of their expenses as work related & any other breaks he could get.
  • I’d bet he ends up in prison eventually just like mommy & daddy. He will do shady cr-p and get caught. None of them seem to want to earn an honest living.
  • Has him or Savannah even sold a house?

Is There A Grace Period?

Several commenters in the discussion pointed out that Chase Chrisley is well within the grace period to renew the license. According to Tennessee Real Estate, “[If the] Licensee is still in the expired-grace period, [they] are thus still eligible to renew online normally.” That applies if the renewal is “Less than 60 days” from the expiration date.

What are your thoughts about Chase Chrisley not renewing his real estate license? Did you know that there’s a grace period? Shout out in the comments below., and come back here for all your Chrisley Knows Best family news.

James Michael


  1. As a former licensed realtor, I know for a fact that licenses don’t go from state to state. You need a license from each state and pass the exam. Maybe that’s why he’s letting it expire. Time will tell. However I really seeing the Chrisleys. Kudos needs to go to Savannah, she’s held everything together with no help. I wish you all nothing but the best in this terrible time.

  2. I think the Chrisley family as a whole have been put through hell and need to be left alone both Todd and Julie were railroaded by lies and the IRS what about people like AL Sharpton who has never served a day I say just leave this lovely family alone

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