Mama June Leaves Alana With Measly $33K To Name

Mama June-YouTube

Mama June Shannon has left her daughter, Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson with a measly $33K to her name. She admits that she took all of the money she earned from the time she started working as a child. Yet, she also tries to make a bunch of excuses along the way to try to make it acceptable. Keep reading for all of the details.

Mama June Leaves Alana With Measly $33K To Name

Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson has been working since she was a toddler. So, when her scholarship money would not cover her tuition for college, she went to her mother. She hoped Mama June would access her Coogan account which holds money for child performers. Essentially, it should protect them from their parents. What Alana learns is that she has just $33K left despite June supposedly depositing all of her DWTS money in there, as well as what she earned from The Masked Singer. June has blown all of the cash but, in the preview, she tries to turn it on Alana.

Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson-YouTube
Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson-YouTube

Privately, Alana has this to say: “There should at least be six figures in that account! Something’s not adding up. My money is somewhere. It needs to be found right now, ASAP. Because this is not gonna work.” June tries to say that half went to taxes but the girls do not believe that. June then turns it on Alana: “You have been taking care of your own self, paying your own bills since you were the age of 12. And you’ve been doing a good job of it.”

Of course, Alana disputes what Mama June is saying and fires right back: “From my perspective, I didn’t spend anything of that money. You spent that money on what you wanted to do with it because I didn’t have no say-so on where that money went.” Her mom thinks she should be grateful to start out life with that much money but Alana contends with this: “Yeah but I’ve been on TV since I was 6 and now, I have what to show for it?”

What Should Alana Do?

Family Crisis fans have been waiting for this moment all season and they have thoughts as to what Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson should do. Many feel she should sue Mama June, something her now-late sister Anna Cardwell did in the past. She ended up stopping because it was too expensive and more than it was worth. So, what did others say?

  • Da** June is heartless. Take her to court Alana!
  • Maybe it’s just a coincidence but I think it’s interesting that June’s tooth is supposed to cost $32K while Alana has $33k in that account.
  • Alana taking care of herself since she was 12 is anyone but Alana’s fault. June is ridiculous. She crossed that boundary with her daughters money, she should sue her

Some wondered how much DWTS and The Masked Singer paid but again, Alana has been a household name for years now. To end up with that little amount is sad. What do you think she should do and should June try to blame her for the money dwindling? Let us know your thoughts and watch Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.

Amanda Lauren

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